Chapter 9

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"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" - Anne Frank.

Saniya slept easy that night. The pressure of her secret was off her back and she felt weightless in that spiritual/mental sense. Now she could put in all her effort in Noah's case - and she'd been putting in a lot beforehand anyway, so she was expecting to find a solution.

Dr. Anderson had phoned her earlier on to update her. It wasn't critical news, but he'd felt that she'd worked hard enough to know how things went down with Noah's parents. They broke down the minute Dr. Vayla finished her sentence and refused to leave Noah's room. It wasn't a problem - visiting hours didn't apply to Dr. Rozen's patients. Anderson mentioned that Noah was a lot calmer than his parents - in fact, he was entirely content. Almost as if the idea didn't bother him, he simply comforted his parents. When she'd heard this, Saniya was reminded of herself. Calm and comforting to everyone else; putting her feelings out of the way to make sure anyone else was alright. She wasn't sure if this was a good comparison for the eleven year old boy.

She wished that she was more like Noah. She'd somehow shut herself down in a way which made her eyes seem blank when she wanted them to, whereas with the cancer patient, you could see his real feelings through his orbs like people are meant to. Noah was one hundred per cent content, however, as though he knew this day was coming so soon. If it were her in his position...Saniya had no idea what she'd do.

Saniya rolled over to her side, still bothered at his situation, and looked up to stare blankly at Zayn's sleeping face from her postion on the floor. She needed the night's sleep badly: tomorrow [well, today, as it was almost two o'clock in the morning] was the interview. Her first televised one to be exact. The first one when the public would get a direct insight into her personality. Normally, she wouldn't have cared what people thought about her - if someone didn't like her, what difference was it to anyone? But she was in a different position now - she was, in a way, famous. 

Saniya awoke, grudgingly, to the echoing sounds coming from the bathroom down the hall - it sounded as if a pregant woman was throwing up...oh wait - it probably was. 

She got dressed before waking Zayn up and was on her way downstairs when the sound of Lana throwing up filled her ears again. Saniya stood in the open doorway of the bathroom and looked in. Lana hadn't made it to the toilet and was bent over, upchucking in the sink with Niall standing next to her, his hand on his arm and the other on her back, stoking it soothingly.

"Morning sickness," Saniya grunted, reluctant to give advice, however Niall was looking rather pale himself and she couldn't leave him. "God knows how long it'll last for you, it's different for everyone. Drink herbal tea; it'll help."

Niall glanced at her gratefully, however Lana shot her a look of hatred and sadness.

God, what's with her?

When Niall wasn't looking, Saniya rolled her eyes before leaving them alone.

Time passed much too quickly for Saniya's liking and after what seemed like minutes, it had been two hours. By nine thirty, they had reached the studio and at half ten, they were ready to go onstage.

She wasn't exactly happy at that point - not just due to the interview or the fact that her dying patient was at the hospital...well, dying, while she was three hours away preparing to waste her time on answering questions for someone she didn't know. It was simply because Lana had a vibe coming from her which basically told Saniya to piss off. Saniya would have loved to leave and head to St. Ann's, but of course she couldn't. The pair were trying hard to hide their tension from the press - Lana didn't want any negative attention and Saniya didn't want any sort of attention at all.

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