what I found

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Fell papyrus was bored out of his mind, he was waiting for a human to come, but one has not come for a while "maybe I should take a break, I have been here for a while" papyrus though as he got out of his post and started walking in the woods.

As papyrus was walking around in the woods it had started to snow, watching the snow fall always made papyrus happy. Soon papyrus realized he had walked much farther than he ever want, luckily he still knew how to get back.

For some odd reason he could here a door open, curious as he was he slowly walked closer to where it came from. As papyrus got closer, he could see something, something that horrified him, it was him, but very different.

Fell papyrus prov~
I saw someone that looked like me, but a bit different, this me has a long purple and white dress on, he looked like he had tears coming out of his eyes and a very week and sad smile.
This person stood in front of a big door, he was watching the snow fall.

"Holt!!!" Yelled a loud voice that was coming from a guard dog. This dog scared the person in the dress a lot and ran into the part of the woods I was in, I was surprised someone in a long dress could run as fast as he could.

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in the hiding spot I was in, I put my hand over his mouth and wrapped my arm around his chest so he couldn't yell for help or run away, the guard dog couldn't fine us, he looked around and walked away.

I looked at the person I just helped, he was a little smaller than me and kinda cute, I let him go and he seemed a little scared of me "t-thank you my friend" he said in a calm voice "what's your name kid?" I asked, he looked a little mad when I called him a kid. "Look, I'm not a kid and I don't want to answer any questions right now, it close to midnight and you could get a cold, so you are to stay at place for the night" he said as he grabbed my arm and walked to the door, I was blushing lightly.

He sounded like a mom, he opened the big door and we both walked in, all I saw was long dark hallway that gave me a chilling feeling "this way my friend" he said as we walked down the hall.

As we reached the end there were, stairs? We walked up the stairs the lead to the inside a very pink house. "Is this where you live?" I asked, there was no response he just nodes "where am I gonna sleep? You said I had to stay" I said a bit mean, he just looked at the floor "you can stay in my room, I'll sleep somewhere else" he said very calmly.

He showed me to his room and walked away, I made myself at home and laid in the bed, it was a lot warmer than mine so I instantly fell asleep

(Hey guys, hope you liked this story, it is my very own ship that I think would be cute, thanks for reading and I'll will see you soon. And if you didn't already know this I am very bad at spelling things so please, don't be mean about it)

a fallen story (storyshift papyrus x underfell papyrus)Where stories live. Discover now