ask or dare #9

87 1 15

ArianaPoma0: ok ok *proof* turn fell papyrus back to normal, buttt *proof turns story papyrus into a girl* sorry not sorry

story papyrus: *blushing badly and crosses her arms under her chest* this is new, i don't know how long it's gonna take for me to get used to this but i guess it'll be a bit fun

fell sans and papyrus: *just staring at story papyrus' chest*

sun sun: wow... just wow you two...

story sans: will you be my queen now papy?

story papyrus:  *terns her head away from sans and walks off to fell papyrus*

sun sun: i'm sure you and papyrus will get along again king sans, you just need to understand that papyrus doesn't want to go back to being your queen

story sans: but.... i miss her....

sun sun: i know how you feel.... i lost someone dear to me too.... *hugs king sans*

king sans: *hugs back*

fell sans: i ship it!

A.N: okay i think this is gonna be the last ask or dare i do before i get back to the story and yes i will keep story papyrus as a girl, thank you for reading and asking questions and giving funny dares

a fallen story (storyshift papyrus x underfell papyrus)Where stories live. Discover now