Fantasy Winners

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First off, we would like to apologize for how long we have made you wait. We hadn't anticipated it would take this long, but plans can change at any time. We will try to get all the judging completed and out before the New Year so stay tuned.
Now onto the fantasy winners!

1st place: @rveleva
                   The Adventures of Prehalia

2nd place: @BRKA11472
                     The Gazers of the Tree:
The Marked

3rd place: @unknownsole
                     The Other World: Sole
- Runner up: @CJL111
                       The Pagillis Tournament

These four books stood out from the rest. From the superb character development to the unique plots, we couldn't help but decide these authors should be chosen as winners!

Special thanks to @Unique-Majesty for helping with the fantasy judging. This wouldn't have been possible without you!

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