Needing to Burst

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"Herb Cookie, I gotta go to the bathroom... Bad..." "Try holding it in a little longer Werewolf Cookie." The two kept cleaning their apartment. Werewolf Cookie kept holding what he need to do in and he could feel it making him weaker and weaker. He really needed to go. "Herb Cookie, I really gotta go!! I don't think I can hold it longer!!" Werewolf Cookie told Herb Cookie and Herb Cookie saw Werewolf Cookie wasn't feeling good. Vampire Cookie busted in with his beer all of a sudden and he began to speak. "WHAT'S UP PEEPS!!" "Hey Vampire Cookie! Why are you holding beer?" "I don't know. Why are you called Weed Cookie?" "WHAT?!" "Some little cookies were outside and they were calling you Weed Cookie." "Let me go out there and have a talk with them!!" "Okay" Herb Cookie left the apartment to go talk to those little cookies about what they were calling him. Vampire Cookie stayed in the apartment. He noticed something was wrong with Werewolf Cookie. "Werewolf Cookie, you feeling okay?" No!!" "Calm down. Anyways, what's wrong?" "I gotta go to the bathroom but I can't!!" "Why?" "Because the bathroom is locked!!" "Your gonna do it on yourself?" "No!!" "Do it outside. You've done it outside before." "I only did it outside because I used to live in the forest and my only toilet there was a hole in the ground!" "No one's gonna see you do it." "Yes they will. It's outside!! Anyone would see me taking a number two outside somewhere!!" "I didn't want to know which number it was. Just hold it in" "That's what I've been doing!!" "Then do it on the floor." "No!!" "Why?" "I don't want anyone to see, hear, or smell it!!" "Hear??" "They would hear me grunting from trying to push it out!!" "Werewolf Cookie, that was too much information bro." "I feel like its gonna burst out of me any second!!" "Well you better find a good spot for it to burst out at." "I don't wanna do it in the trash can or anywhere!!" "Go outside and do it in the forest." "No!" "I can see why you said no to that." "?" "Because you think I would watch you take a number two and rape you afterwards." "You just gave me another reason to say no to that." "I wouldn't rape you. I would walk you back here after your done then, I'd knock you out and rape you." "Yep, and that's why I'm not doing that idea of yours either..." "You're gonna burst any second now if you don't go to the bathroom. Um... Your starting to sweat and shiver. Dude, your gonna burst." "Then stop making me get ready to burst!!" "Let's just calm down and think." "That will take a while for me to calm down. It's gonna come out soon... I feel gassy..." "Fart and it might make you want to burst less." Werewolf Cookie farted and it didn't make anything better. It made Werewolf Cookie need to burst more. "It smells bad in here now... If you burst but its not in the toilet and it's on your clothes, its gonna stain your clothes pretty bad. You might wanna use a diaper." "No!!" "I don't know what to tell you." "You know I'm not using a diaper." "Probably because it will go threw the diaper." "No!! It's because I am sick and this sickness is the reason why I am pooping more." "At least you wouldn't have to worry about peeing yourself." "Yeah but I would have to worry about pooping myself." "So you've peed yourself before?" "No!!" "Have you ever pooped yourself before?" "No, but if I don't go to the bathroom soon, I will poop myself and it will be terrible. Why are you asking me if I have ever peed myself or pooped myself?" "I got curious." "..." "Vampires can live longer than werewolves." "What does that have to do with my pooping problem?" "It proves why vampires live longer than werewolves." Vampire Cookie laughed himself onto the floor from this conversation. "How would you know if I would die from not using the bathroom?" "Your gonna burst and when you do, it's probably gonna make your digestive system explode and kill you." "Only someone's bladder can explode..." "It's also their digestive system that can explode." "Oh gosh..." "Are you about to push it out?" "No..." "What did you say oh gosh for?" "Because I feel very terrible and my stomach really hurts..." "Relax" "RELAX?! HOW CAN I RELAX WHEN IT'S GONNA BURST OUT OF ME LIKE A FIREWORK AND SPLATTER EVERYWHERE?!" "Relax, you probably won't burst. Maybe you'll be fine." "No..." "Maybe you could make it come out from a different part of your body." "That sounds gross and painful..." The two stayed quiet and Werewolf Cookie continued to hold what he needed to do so badly in. He hoped he wasn't going to burst because he didn't want anyone or any animal to see, smell, or even hear him trying to relieve himself. What was Werewolf Cookie gonna do now?

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