My Baby....

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(1 hour later)

Diggle had been to Big Belly Burger to buy some food to Felicity, now he was in City Hall because that's were the bunker is.

"Hey, I'm here with your food." Dig said.
"Thanks." Felicity said.

And then suddenly Felicity felt pain in her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, it's probably just because I'm pretty hungry." Felicity said.

And then she fell to the floor.

"Felicity, what's wrong?" Oliver said with his very worried voice.
"The...the.. baby." Felicity said but she could barely talk.
"Dig, call 911 now." Oliver ordered.

Diggle called 911 and told them to come fast.

Oliver could barely say anything because there she was laying in his lap with her eyes closed and could not talk. They got up to City Hall because they couldn't be in the bunker when they came. A few minutes later the ambulance came.

"Mr. Mayor, what happened?" a man asked.
"I don't know, she just fell to the floor and started bleeding." Oliver said shaking.

The ambulance put her in the big car and Oliver came with them.

"Diggle, call Thea and tell her that she can meet us at the hospital." Oliver said to Dig.
"Yes I will, see you there."

End of chapter eight

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