Chapter 12: [Life and existence]

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The next fight between the Guardian of Life, and the Riem of Existence. As Arnikus found himself within a white void, as he walked around looking to where the Riem was. The Riem of Existence quickly appeared in front of him. "Hmph, and you are?" Asked Arnikus as he grasp onto his sword. The Riem looked at him in the eye as she spoke.

"Me? Who...Am I? I am the Riem of Existence. Now tell me your name, victim." Replied the Riem of Existence as her hand started to radiate energy and form a black sword of her own.

"I am no victim, I am the guardian of Life and its Arunare. My name is Arnikus Valeruso." Said Arnikus, quickly after he was done speaking. The Riem soon came at him with full force, although before she could strike.

"Tasen hiraku(Reflecting Impact)." Uttered Arnikus as a black shield appeared in front of him to cover him, the Riem was bounced back from the impact. As she was confused. Arnikus dashed at her faster than lightning.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Asked the Riem of Existence as she was behind Arnikus.

[Arnikus self-conscious]: "What the hell?! How do she get here so quickly? No...It's not her speed, it-

Arnikus was soon caught a knee into his gut as he went flying. The Riem laid her finger onto the floor and summon a giant black structure in Arnikus way, Arnikus soon hit it and felt the impact. The Riem again was seen next to Arnikus out of no where. "Wow, so this is it? At first you caught me off guard and I was quite surprised. But uh- now? Hmm, this is boring. Oh well, maybe your fellow 'comrades' will show me a better time." Said the Riem of Existence as she lifted Arnikus by the throat. But right after she was finished speaking she saw Arnikus unsheathing his sword.

"Argh..." Groaned Arnikus. The Riem of Existence shook her head in disappointment.

"Seriously? If you couldn't take my knee earlier, what makes you think-" The Riem of Existence was cut off as she saw Arnikus stabbing himself with his sword. "Oh...Suicidal aren't we?" Asked the Rien as she smirked.

"Not at all, just fixing my self up." Replied the focused Arnikus as he quickly gripped the Riem wrist and toss her into the structure behind him. As a gaint dent was seen, Arnikus wasted no time but to slash the Riem as his sword glowed white; the Riem quickly moved out of the way as Arnikus made a deep crater.

"W-what?" Muttered the Riem. Arnikus stood back into a calm and collected stance and looked at the Riem. He then pointed his sword at her.

"Konso Sten(Vigorous Edge) is the name of your cause of death. That's all you need to know." Stated Arnikus.

[Riem of Existence self-conscious]: "Wait...I know now. Earlier when he took that attack then into that structure, he stabbed himself in order to release all that damage into that attack..."

Arnikus dashed at the Riem as she parry'd with him, Arnikus gaining slight distance went on a flurry of slashes at the Riem; each time were either parry'd or the Riem had vanished out of the way. "If I were a guessing man...You're removing yourself in and out of place and time?" Asked Arnikus as he leaped up.

"Close, I'm simply..." The Riem of Existence appeared behind Arnikus. "Removing my self out of the very known existence." After the Riem was finished speaking she soon drop kicked Arnikus back down faster than the eye could see. Although before Arnikus could hit the ground he used Tasen hiraku(Reflecting Impact) to rebound himself back up until.

"H-huh...?" Muttered Arnikus as he felt the black blade of the Riem within him. He looked back at her, seeing her stand on another summoned structure. He was confused as what just happened.

[Arnikus self-conscious]: "I...I can feel this blade inside me...But I feel no pain...

"That's good, because I don't want to hear you bitching and moaning from that." Stated the Riem of Existence as she pulled her sword out and whipped him across the ground. Arnikus looked up at her in shock as he covered his stomach. "Lemme' guess, you must be thinking this. 'Oh what the hell?! How did she know what I was thinking?! And why aren't I flopping around dying like a worthless dog?!'" Said the Riem of Existence as she stood there mocking him.

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