Chapter 4: [Sole Purpose]

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Ares was seen on the Royal home's steps. As Cassro looked on at him with hostility. "Just drop it already! What do you want!" Shouted Cassro.

"I have a question." Said, Ares. Cassro had a confused look on his face.

"Where's Nyro? And why did you come here alone?" Asked Ares.

"Like I said before, what's it matter to you?" Answered Cassro in anger.

"...I'll give an option, I'll go behind my orders if you answer me this." Stated Ares as he placed his scythe on his shoulder.

"What is it?" Asked Cassro with a stern look on his face.

"We could either fight now, it's clear that you're hiding something if you came here alone. It is a shame if I cut you down right now. Or you can let me pass and I'll be at one of the Empires. What do you say?" Asked Ares with a blank face.

[Cassro self-conscious]: "Huh? I can't simply let him go...Although the others should be able to defeat him. Then again he said one of them, he could be at the Imperial Core or the Black Monarch- there are people there constructing. If I fight him now..."

"So?" Asked Ares.

"...Go...Leave..." Muttered Cassro.

"Smart. Oh and another thing...Find Nyro, I wouldn't want to die without seeing him." Said, Ares, as he vanished and left only a sudden gush of wind.

"...What is he to him? Bah, I have to hurry." Stated Cassro as he ran up the stairs to find the room. "There..." muttered Cassro as he was transported to Taliryo.

"Argh...Taliryo!" Shouted Cassro.

"Cassro?" Muttered Taliryo.

"This...Is the Soul Domain, correct?" Asked Cassro.

"Of course." Answered Taliryo.

"Where's Nyro?" Asked Cassro.

"Nyro? The Vashmeer?" Asked Taliryo.

"Yes...He is also the Arunare of Aggression." Stated Cassro.

"So that's the energy I've been staring at for a while. I may know where it's coming from, you can sense it as well can't you?" Asked Taliryo. Cassro took a moment to sense it as the trail energy was faint, but he can still sense it.

"Yeah, how far is it?" Asked Cassro.

"It's coming from the passage, it's a waterfall of energy surrounded by ruins of old civilizations. It would take at least a week to reach there." Stated Taliryo.

"A week?! I do not have that kind of time!" Shouted Cassro in rage.

"Watch your tone." Said Taliryo as Cassro reluctantly calmed down. "You have that time fool." Said Taliryo.

"What?" Asked the confused Cassro.

"The Soul Domain and earth, or may I call it by its name here; the Genesis Plane...Populated by Soul Signatures has a time gap between each other. From here and earth makes it an hour gap. A week here, is a hour there. If you ever heard of the Afterwarp, it shares the similarities here." Stated Taliryo.

"Is that so? Then I better hurry." Said Cassro.

"Before you leave, may I warn you. The spirits here aren't too fond of a human in the Soul Domain. And in the ruins holds more spirits there, quite hostile as well. Be careful." Stated Taliryo.

"Yeah, I get it. Athedus(Farewell)." Said Cassro as he left to search the ruins. As time went on, he passed by glowing spirits with white skull helmets.

[Cassro self-conscious]: "Just what are these things?"

One of them would turn their attention to Cassro until he hid. "What is it?" Echoed one of them.

"Nothing. Let's return to the rest of the specters..." Echoed A specter as they left within an instant. A white flash was seen, they were seen moving from place to place out of the area.

"A specter eh? They're moving to the ruins. I best get there fast." Stated Cassro as he used his second trigger to spawn spirit blades, this time he morphed them into a circular disc for him to stand on, allowing him to fly. Cassro moved through the spiritual towns, forest, and many more. Until knocked down by something, before hitting the ground he caught his balance and landed on his feet.

"What the hell?" Asked himself.

"A human...How did this wretched mortal get here?" Echoed a Specter as it wielded an aura sword similar to Cassro's spirit blades.

"I'm no ordinary human. You picked the wrong fight, I am Cassro Lugarian user of the Tairugen." Stated Cassro, the specter replied with groaning echoes. It vanished out of sight in an instant then behind Cassro, though Cassro quickly blocked the attempted attack and swung the spirit back. Two more specters arrived to assist.

"Three against one?" Stated Cassro. As he summoned two spirit blades to be morphed into his image using a large amount of both his Tairugen's energy and his own Soul Signature, but he wasn't even exhausted by the sight. "As if you're going to get me to TRY to take you down." Stated Cassro. Him and his clones dashed at the specters, all six parried with each other. Cassro backed up as the specter began to attack again, only to get countered by his clone who knock it back. Cassro leaping off his clone to charge a Soul Burst, his sword pierced through the Specter's causing the explosion, it could be seen far away. The explosion caused the spirit to diminished into Deity Energy. As one of the specters vanished out of sight, it cut down one of Cassro's clones only to explode right in its face. As the specter flew then diminished into energy. Only one was left. "Yield!" Shouted Cassro. The specter stood up instead and raised its arm, white thunderous energy hit it's hand as it changed to light blue. The specter swung it's arm horizontally as the energy was lightning fast, Cassro dodged it quickly thanks to the evasive skills of his Tairugen. Although his clone blew up behind him causing him to fly into the Specter. He got a sword pierced through this gut.

"Foolish human." Echoed the specter. Cassro coughed up blood, soon the enraged Cassro eventually received the strength from his last battle with Asmere, as it flowed through him. Cassro gripped the sword and crushed it, the energy shattered in millions and Cassro was no longer impaled. The specter backed up as Cassro hunched standing. "What? Impossible, how can a human hold such power?" Asked the specter.

"Do not...Make me...Repeat myself." Stated Cassro as he dashed past the Specter at light speed. All there was seen is Cassro raising the blade, as the specter fell and diminished into energy. "I am, Cassro Lugarian...User...Of the Tairugen." Said the proud Cassro. As he limped and slowly healed. "What's this...Light? I'm feeling less weaker than just now...Yet I feel light headed." Said Cassro.

"It's the non-stop Deity energy that keeps this world intact." Said an anonymous being.

"Who goes there, who are you?" Asked Cassro. As he saw a man wearing a red cape that covered most of his body, and black baggy pants as the cuffs were wrapped. And black sandals.

"Who am I? Well, let's just say, I'm a nobody." Stated the anonymous man.

[Cassro self-conscious]: "His face...Even his Soul Signature is alike."

"What do you want?" Asked Cassro.

"The same thing you want." Said the anonymous man.

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