Chapter 1

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Hermione sighed, taking her own cup of tea from the magical cart that rolled around her working floor of the Ministry. She'd seen Auror Finnegan near it earlier and sniffed her tea gently, dipping her tongue in it before deeming it appropriate. Seamus had had that gleam in his eye, and she knew that someone was being pranked. Each cup had the owner's name on it so it wouldn't be too hard to slip something malicious- most likely from dear old George Weasley and the joke shop. Sighing again, she returned to her desk to wait and watch.

"Hermione, have you seen that report on Frenrir Greyback?" a smooth drawling voice asked from behind her. Hermione smiled, turning in her seat,

"Yes, Draco, it's in the top right drawer of your desk. I put it there this morning."

"Thank you, Hermione," he said coolly, nodding before he swept into his own office. His robes flowed behind him much like Severus Snape's once had. She smiled at that. She wouldn't have ever believed that she'd be partnered with Draco Malfoy of all people- working for the Aurors research Department. Let alone that the two of them would head the department. It did make sense though, she thought, watching him set his own coffee down and flip through a file. They had both been top of their class regularly and not because Draco's father- she shivered a bit here- paid his way. Draco was genuinely intelligent and didn't ever make it look like it came anything less than easy to him.

She scowled, watching him raise his cup to his mouth- freezing still as if in a full body bind. He sniffed the mug gently before scowling at it and putting it back down, raising his wand to banish the entire thing and looking up to meet her eyes. She smiled knowingly, her own eyes drifting off to the Potions Master Certificate he'd kept proudly framed and displayed on the wall behind his platinum blonde head, a tribute to his late godfather. 

Her eyes drifted across the room, to the other familiar faces on that floor. Draco was too looking in that direction. Seamus, Ron, and Dean all were doing their very best to make it look like they weren't trying to watch Draco. Harry, on the other hand, was genuinely not watching; buried in paperwork. As Head Auror and never having been good with deadlines, he was always behind. She clucked her tongue disapprovingly at all of them, even though she knew they couldn't hear her. Had they really been so foolish as to think Draco- a Potions Master like Snape- wouldn't notice a spiked drink?

"Veritaserum," Draco said, startling her. She hadn't heard him come up behind her. Another reminder of Severus. She nodded,

"I'd wondered. I don't think Harry's involved though, Draco, do try to take it easy on them." she replied, turning to face the head of the Malfoy line. Seeming to realize that they were talking about him, like a sixth sense, Harry glanced up- his green eyes questioning. Draco scowled back at him and Harry just grinned before looking down at his paperwork.

Harry and Draco had developed a strange sort of friendship, their bickering turning friendly and driving the others eventually to start pranking each other and Draco. Hermione knew that he enjoyed it, though he pretended he didn't. It made him feel included. She knew that they both secretly enjoyed it greatly when they got the chance to go into the field together, usually Draco helping Harry retrieve a dark artifact of some kind or another. He often tried to harass Draco into becoming an Auror but he never would, he claimed to just purely enjoy the job he had now, thank you very much. 

Hermione found that hard to believe, considering that- after a long drawn out battle- Draco had maintained most of the Malfoy fortune after the war. He had no need to work, and wasn't the type to do it just because. She didn't miss the secret glances each boy sent the other when they thought no one (including the object of the glance) was looking. She was the only one who had noticed, out of the entire department, and she kept quiet about it, allowing fate to follow it's own course.

"Oh no, the fireworks were pranking, the muggle decorations in my office, the twenty cats they got from Merlin knows where. This... this is war, Hermione. War." Draco said, smirking like he had in school. Hermione just held up her hands, a silent gesture to leave her out of it. Harry, she noticed, was genuinely curious- glancing between the two of them and the snickering Aurors that surrounded him. He had realized something was definitely happening now.

"Will you be coming by for the party tonight?" Hermione asked, tilting her head to the side. They had planned a large going away party for Auror Williamson, who was retiring and all the Auror departments had been invited. Draco snickered a bit,

"I had originally planned to spend the night with Blaise, getting smashed. I do think I'm going to have to cancel on him though, and attend. I will most certainly be here. With bells on."

Hermione wore a smirk of her own, something she'd picked up from the Slytherin after working side by side for years. She nodded in understanding. Draco would have his revenge and she would let him. Veritaserum *was* going a bit far after all. There was no telling how they'd planned to use it and, judging by the disgruntled look on Draco's face when he'd smelled it, she guessed it was a high dosage. They had hoped to embarrass him at the party tonight. She would of course be there early, with her camera. The Christmas party was next week and a photo of Draco's crowning moment would be the perfect gift.

"I suspect you'll be leaving early then?" she asked, trying to look shocked at something he had said. They were watching afterall. Draco fell into the routine immediately, this wasn't the first time they'd acted together- with all the pranks being pulled. He did his best to look mortified, even going so far as to toss his hand up to cover his mouth.

"Yes, I will. I have to have quite a bit of time to prepare after all." Draco replied and then did his best to look exasperated at what he'd said. Hermione couldn't help but giggle at his antics, which only further spurred their act. Draco looked up, past her head and became very nervous- she wasn't sure if that was a part of the act or not and glanced over her shoulder. Harry was approaching them quickly, looking irritated.

"Did they do something ridiculous?" He demanded, waving his arm back at the other Aurors who all suddenly became very interested in the stacks of parchments on their desks.

"I'm not at liberty to say," Hermione said, as Harry turned back to them. The other Aurors glanced back up, watching again once Harry's back was turned.

"Well, judging by the school girl style giggles and snickering they're doing- they've either done something nasty or they're about to," he eyed Draco carefully who now appeared to be very antsy, "you okay, Malfoy?"

"Yes! Mind your business Potter, no questions!" Draco said quickly and a bit louder than what would have been needed. Harry scowled,

"what's going on? What did they do?"

"Er... I don't know exactly, Potter. Excuse me, I'm needed at home!" Draco said, appearing to be very nervous. Hermione made a mental note to tell him that if he ever had to he could still make a lot of money in muggle acting. He would probably be a bit offended at first but would grow to like the idea. Draco turned and quickly rushed from the office in a very un-Malfoy fashion. Hermione sipped her tea thoughtfully.

"Is he okay, Herms?" Harry asked, watching as Draco disappeared.

"I honestly don't know, Harry, I don't know."

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