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bruised hands grasp the rusted railing. 

he ignores the sight behind him.

a girl with red lipstick pretending to be a woman.

his father taking innocence from a child struggling to survive.

a deep breathe in, a leap of faith.

dirty blue converse land on the ground just as dirty as the one he left behind.

the door slides open and he stands there. 

the shadows spill across his eyes, falling into his cheeks and landing in the pool over his collarbone. 

he looks maniacal, eyes gleaming like electricity, sickly pale skin stretching over too prominent bones.

bruises decorating their bodies.

belonging to a world not meant for them.

trapped in a web of lies and darkness,

unable to escape.

pale hands grasp even paler.

sea green meets deep blue.

a promise of another world passes

they grasp it with all they've got

but it's not strong enough

and the world promised for two

can only take one.

cruelty wins, 

the storm goes home to the sky

while the ocean is left on the ground.

A/N intro to my story

it'll make more sense later?? nah probably not 

Tear in my heart - jercyWhere stories live. Discover now