t h i r t e e n

112 4 0

JUNE 10th, 1989
(long ass chapter)

eddie sucked in a deep breath before stepping int the schoolhouse. richie presses his lips to eddie's ear, hoping to calm him down.
"don't forget to breathe," richie whispered. eddie gulped and nodded, squeezing richie's hand tightly.


stan immediately cocked (haha) his rifle, ready to kill whatever was out there. richie let out a small screech.
"what the fuck was that?" beverly whisper shouted. the losers crept forward in a small huddle, inching towards the noise. they had to turn a corner in order to see what had happened, so they paused for a few moments. bill gave everyone a look of reassurance, but also it looked like he was pleading with them. he wanted to find georgie around that corner, smiling and laughing like he used to. the other teens nodded and they turned the corner together.

a locker had been thrown open, and papers were strewn across the floor. the losers crept toward the papers, scanning every inch of their surroundings. mike bent down and picked one up.
"it's for us," mike whispered, eyes scanning the paper quickly. each of the losers picked up a paper.

dear losers,
i'm coming for you. i got georgie, now it's your turn.
much love,

bill gasped in horror at the mention of his brother. suddenly, the adjacent front doors of the school slammed shut, locking the teens inside. the overhead lights flickered once, then twice, before completely shutting off.
"shit!" richie whisper shouted. bill reached in his pocket.
"i've got it," he said, lighting a match.
"we're gonna have to find another way out," eddie said, hand still in richie's. the losers nodded and simultaneously moved forward.

soon, the teens ended up in the cafeteria. they cautiously sat down at a table.
"we've been walking for so long, and i think we've been going in circles," ben muttered.
"all the hallways look the same, and we can't seem to find the front doors," beverly said, glancing at bill. bill shrugged.
"isn't it a little weird that there's no windows or clocks?" richie asked.
"it's like we have no idea what time it is," mike agreed.

"i did that on purpose, you know?" a voice called. the losers froze in fear. they knew exactly who the voice belonged to, but they couldn't find where it came from.
"where are you!" bill shouted.
"dude! don't bring him out!" richie scolded. suddenly, pennywise's body fell from the ceiling, collapsing right in front of stan. he shot the clown several times, but it got up. it let out a low growl.
"ouch, stanley! maybe next time you won't be such a pain in the ass!" it shouted, before throwing stan into a wall. stan groaned in pain and lowered his head.
bill and mike shot it too, but the clown continued to fight. after tossing mike into some tables, pennywise morphed into georgie.
"billy! stop! it's me, georgie! and i wanna go home!" the fake georgie cried, before tuning into bill's arms. bill smiled through tears.
"i've looked for so long," bill managed to get out.
"bill! that's not georgie!" beverly shouted. bill waved her off.
"i think he's in there. maybe pennywise is in his body or something, if we can just get him ou-"
before bill could finish, beverly stabbed the fake georgie straight through the stomach. bill let out a muffled cry. the fake georgie started to convulse wildly before morphing back into the clown. bill's eyes grew in shock, but before he could grab his weapon, it threw bill into the ceiling. bill collapsed on the floor.
"shouldn't have done that, bevy," the clown mumbled, before morphing into a man the losers (the ones that were conscious, anyway) hasn't seen before.
"are you still my little girl?" the man asked, grabbing beverly by the waist.
"no!" she cried. ben saw how weak beverly was, and it made him very angry. gripping his large kitchen knife with shaky hands, he snuck behind the clown.
"leave her alone!" he shouted, before jumping on it and stabbing it multiple times in the neck. the clown spit out some sort of black fluid and dropped beverly, leaving her gasping for air. she laid down on the ground weakly.
"aw! the little fat boy (not fat shaming, y'all, this is just part of the story!!) thinks he's gonna get the girl! try losing some weight first!" it shouted, before slashing ben straight across the stomach. ben cried out in pain, and fell to his knees.

eddie and richie were the only losers left to fight. eddie gripped his pipe, and richie swung his bat in a circular motion. it turned to face the two boys. the clown's glowing eyes seemed to be evaluating them, picking out every little detail. it's face twisted into a horrible smile.
"hey! gay boy!" the clown mocked. eddie's eyes widened in shock. he was so shocked that he dropped his pipe. pennywise took this opportunity to grab him. in one swift movement, eddie was in pennywise's arms, kicking and screaming.
"richie!" eddie shouted, before being muffled by pennywise's hand. richie immediately reacted, swinging his bat at it.
"let go of my boyfriend you motherfucker!" he shouted, channeling his rage into every swing of his bat.
"drop him!" he yelled, still swinging his bat as hard as he could. stan was able to drag himself over to the clown, and he picked up eddie's pipe and started hitting it. pennywise kicked stan in the ribs, and stan was back on the ground. then, he turned to richie, who's hits had not weakened a bit. he snatched the bat from him, and snapped it in half with one hand. richie then started to punch it, putting all of his energy into it. pennywise picked up richie, who was squirming and struggling, and brought him near its face.
"i could eat you right now. but i'm not going to," pennywise muttered. then, it turned richie and eddie so they were facing each other.
"say goodbye to eddie," he mocked. richie felt tears well in his eyes.
"no! please don't take him! take me!" richie pleaded, but it was no use. eddie looked down sadly.
"i'm probably never gonna see you again. hell, i'll probably never even see the sky again. but i just want you to know that i love you," eddie said, tears now flowing down his face. richie still wouldn't take it though.
"i'll give you anything! please don't take eddie! you can have me! please don't fucking take him!" richie was now crying, and he was close to hyperventilating.
"richie," eddie said sharply. the crying boys turned to face each other.
"don't forget to breathe. i love you," eddie told him. richie could barely get words out.
"i don't want to never see you again!" he cried.
"just look at the stars, i'll be with them soon," eddie replied.
"but i want to see you! i want to hug you and smell you! i want to call you stupid nicknames and smoke together! i want to run away someday! i want-" bud before richie could finish, eddie cut him off.
"i love you, okay?" he said.
"i love you. i always will! i'm gonna miss you so fucking much!" richie cried, but still continued to kick and squirm. pennywise fake vomited.
"okay! that's enough! you said your disgusting goodbyes!" he sneered, before tossing richie into a wall. then, the clown darted through a set of doors behind him. even though his ribs hurt, and he was seeing spots, richie immediately got up and followed the clown and the screams of his boyfriend. he passed a door that read "basement," on it, and he could still hear eddie shouting. so, he went down the stairs. endless flights of them, too.

just as his shoes hit the floor, richie saw the clown, and more importantly, eddie, who was still struggling.
"let him go!" richie shouted, running at pennywise, ready to punch. but before his fist could collide with the clown, it jumped down a large hole in the floor, that looked several stories deep. richie heard the screams of eddie still, when they were abruptly cut off. and that was it.

his boyfriend had left the earth.
and honestly, richie did too.

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