The return

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Then Rebecca flew away, Zayn came up to my room and wanted me to fill in the story on why I was bleeding and why I was outside looking for someone but I refused to tell him. "I'm worried about you I want to know what happened to you today. If you can't tell me then I'll compel you so you can tell me because I want to help you." He said straight to my face. "If you compel me then I'll do something you'll regret for the rest of your life."I said straight forward. Zayn stood there for a few seconds and then walked away.


Rebecca flew inside the cave and saw scratches,claw marks, and bones on the ground she heard footsteps echoing in the hall and she saw blue sparkling glowing eyes

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Rebecca flew inside the cave and saw scratches,claw marks, and bones on the ground she heard footsteps echoing in the hall and she saw blue sparkling glowing eyes. Rebecca commanded to the creature to come out to the light to see what it is. The creature growled and its paw came out to the light, she grabbed a metal javelin from a pile of human bones and threw it at the creature. The creature backed out from the light and there was blood on the ground. The creature started to howl in pain, Rebecca walked towards the creature to see what it was and then the creature jumped onto Rebecca and started to growl. "Your a wolf!"Rebecca said surprisingly. So the wolf backed off from Rebecca and she stood up and started to explain everything to the wolf so the wolf can go spy on Alaina.


When the wolf got to Costinula the vampires heard a thump outside the door, Kane answered and looked curious

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When the wolf got to Costinula the vampires heard a thump outside the door, Kane answered and looked curious. Kane pulled out a knife and tried to kill the wolf Zayn stops him and threw the knife on the ground. "What are you trying to do this wolf needs help so it's going to get help."said Zayn. "We haven't trusted werewolf's for centuries why should we trust and help them now?!"Kane said angrily.

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