Moving in

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Emma POV

They guys help to carry my things into the house, and show me around my room. I have a fairly large room, and I find out that I’ll be sharing a bathroom with Noah and Devon. Noah lives on the third floor with me, while Jake, Devon, and Aaron live on the second. The first floor is where the kitchen and the living room are, and the backyard is huge. It has a deck and a nice patio set, and a pool. How on earth did I only get this place for $750 a month? This place is like a dream come true.
           After getting everything in my room, I decide to unpack, even though it’s a little strange, because even though the guys laughed and joked with me as we brought my things up, I felt uneasy. I hadn’t ever really lived with guys before, and wasn’t sure how this was going to work. But the common areas looked pretty clean, and my room was a pretty shade of dark blue. I was actually impressed with how it was decorated.
            It was also uneasy because after getting all my stuff into the house, the guys just stood in my doorway for a bit, making sure I had everything and didn’t need help with anything else, which was nice.

“Are you sure you don’t need anything else?” Aaron asked me.

“Yeah, I should be fine. You know, this room is really well decorated. Did one of you guys do it?” I asked them.  They all laughed.

“Nah, my mom came by to do it.” Noah told me.

“Well, she has great taste!” I exclaimed. He nodded.

“So, we’ll have a dinner in about an hour, if you want to join us.” Noah tells me. Nathan throws his arm around Noah.

“I’ll be there, so of course she’ll want too!”  Nathan winked at me.

“Wow, you sure are full of yourself. But of course I’ll join in . But only because Nathan’s going to be there.” I laughed and winked back at him.  They laughed, and with that, decided to let me settle in a little bit. I started taking out my books and placing them on the bookshelf that was in the room. I made a mental note to get a bigger one. After my books I started taking out my movies, and my pictures. I had a lot of pictures. I liked to print them off and hang them around my room, but I realized that I probably should buy some picture frames. This isn’t college anymore, I told myself. You’re an adult. Yeah, like that’s the truth.

It suddenly hit me how much I missed my friends and family already. I had realized that it would be hard to leave my mom and my best friend, but not already. I had decided to come to California because I needed a change. I’ve never been good at staying in one place too long, ever since I started traveling by studying abroad my second year of college in Dublin. I started, and haven’t stopped since.  It had scared me at the beginning, when I started leaving people behind, when I realized how easy it really was for me to leave everything I cared about. Now I just embraced it. My mom once told me that it wasn’t leaving everything behind that was easy, she said I’m just good at adapting. She always told me that it was a good thing. Great, now I’m going to cry. I gave in and decided to call my mom.
“Hey mom.”
“Emma, hi! How are you doing? How’s California?” My mom asked excitedly.
“It’s pretty good. I was lucky enough to find a house and be able to move in right away, which is great. I’m actually living with 4 other people.” I told her.
“Girls, or guys?” She asked, because she knew I didn’t really mind living with either. I was an easy person to get along with, just like she was.

“Guys. It should be fine though. They all work as local firefighters. They’re actually really hot.” I laughed as I told my mom.
“Well, Emma, don’t get yourself into anything. If you’re planning on living there for a while, you cannot go getting with one of your roommates. That could end up really bad.”  Oh mother. Ever the mom.

“I know mom, it was just an observation! They seem nice enough though, which is great, considering the other prospects that I had set up.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. I can’t wait to meet them all when I come and visit!”
“Well, don’t plan a visit just yet, mom. I don’t really know them all that well.”
“Well, just the same anyways. I miss you lots, sweetie.” My mom said, with sadness in her tone.
“I miss you too mom.” I say, holding my breath so I don’t start crying. I hear a knock on my door. “Mom, I should probably go. We’re having a roommate dinner thing.”
“Okay sweetie. I love you!”
“I love you too mom. Bye.”
“Bye!” With that we hang up the phone, and I go to open the door.
“Hey! So, dinner’s ready, and I hope you like burgers and corn.” Aaron says, leaning on my doorframe. Holy shit he’s gorgeous.
“I love it!” With that we go downstairs, as I await the lion’s den that will be dinner with the firefighters.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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