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     Life has a cynical sense of humour. Things that you looked down upon, completely despised; seems to catch up to you and show you that you aren't as important as you thought you were. It brings you back down  to earth. When all of your dreams, hopes and plans are crushed and taken away from you in the matter of minutes.  

     However this story didn't happen all of a sudden, as much as you would like to think it did. It was over a period of a year. It just seemed that way because you were too naive and ignorant to believe that it could ever happen to you. But you got your reality check and you see that life isn't what you thought it would be for you. You see how saying negative things toward people is uncalled for, and being judgmental is for God alone; because who are you to judge. It was them yesterday, but today it's you.

     You were privileged in growing up. You always had the support of your family members and friends. They had your back no matter what. But you didn't think to go to the ones with the sage advise. Instead you took it upon yourself, and did what you wanted to do. Screwed up your entire future because you didn't want to listen because you thought it could never happen to you. Well guess what? It did happen. And at the age of eighteen now you are going to have to decide what it is you are going to do with your life.                                                                                        Can you finish school?

Can you get a job?

 Can you take care of a completely dependent human being? 

Can you handle the pressures of  society?

 How are you going to make it?

What in the world are you going to do next?

    See you never thought about this before. But now you are, when it may just be too late for you now. You made terrible decisions and must now live with it and deal with it alone. And you're not sure if you can handle that. You don't want help from anyone because this was your fault. But then you need help because you can't do this on your own. 

So what are you going to do? 

What is the right way for you to turn? 

How are you going to take care of a child when you just graduated high school, just finished your first semester of college and still you're only eighteen?

     And by you, I mean ME; and right now I'm wondering if this darkness will ever fade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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