Your On A Different Brand (Roman)

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"Since you got Roman Reigns Steph we will take the Anti-Diva Y/n!"
You and Roman couldn't believe you just got sent to smackdown and he's on raw.
"Babe what the hell just happened?" He asked his hand in yours.
"We just got split..." you said in disbelief. You couldn't believe that the power couple of the WWE just got sent to different brands. This was what you both dreaded out of the week you will see him for only if your lucky a couple of hours.
"I'm gonna go talk to Stephanie!"
"People already think you are shoved up Vince ass we don't need any more shit happening."
"Fine. But I still don't like it!"
"Neither do I but we jut have to roll with the punches for now."
"Out of all the couples in this damn company why do we get the split?"
"I don't know maybe tey think 'it's best for buisness'" Roman rolled his eyes standing up.
"Well let's go spend our last night you down a bit since you won't be getting this Samoan lovin' for a while." You both lauhed and packed up your stuff going to the hotel to say your goodbyes.

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