Chapter One

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 Chapter One



                 "Thank God class is over, man I was gonna die," I said with a yawn. Mrs. Gonzalez's History classes are the worst, she's not a very pretty sight to have to endure for a whole period. I think she's the only teacher who does not like me. She purposely picks on me to answer questions when I really don't have a clue what to say. But I guess it's my fault because this is the only class I don't pay attention in, it just doesn't entice me. About all these wars that has already taken place, I wish we could just clear all history just like on our computers. Man wouldn't that be fantastic.

                                                Strolling down the hallway was the same everyday, the girls would shoot me flirty looks, I'd pretend I'm too caught up in my conversation to notice them, so they wouldn't be crazy enough to come up to me and try to start a conversation. The worst days are when I'm walking alone but I try my best to always and I mean always, to have someone with me.

                                "Where are we going for lunch," Blake asked enthusiastically, snapping me out of my thoughts, with a huge grin on his face. I already knew where he wanted to go, we go their every day, but he doesn't seem to get tired of it.

                  "Dude don't you ever get tired of that place," Carter said to him with a hint of annoyance in his tone, he's not one to do the same thing twice. He's also a bit ill-tempered but he doesn't really show it a lot around us. Most persons can't stand to be around him for a very long time, so I guess he tries his hardest not to get angry when he's with us.

                                  Blake simply just disagreed. "If you don't wanna go guys, I'll go by myself,"he said in a very childish tone and he scampered away heading towards the schools entrance. We all know why he loved that place so much. It's the only time he gets to sit and watch he love of his life, serve coffee. He wouldn't even let out a breath whenever she's around even she tries to take his order.

                        Sometimes he can be such a baby. We all looked each other knowing what was going to happen next.


                 "Why does this always happen, we tell him we don't want to go, but then we end up here," Nate said, trying to sound angry but there was still a hint of amusement in his voice. We sat around our round table in the far corner, near the window. This is kind of our reserved seats because Blake has been here a lot and we all know why. They should make him the 'Customer of the Century'.

                                "We didn't really say no," I said trying to annoy Nate. He knitted his brows and his lips turned into a straight line, "Dude, shut it," he said sounding annoyed. I let out a loud, boisterous laugh, trying to catch my breath, "Ma-an-your-your-so easy to get to," I belched out in-between my roars. Finally I got a hold of myself and at the same time Blake arrived with our drinks and a Ham & NY Cheddar sandwich for himself.

                We gulped down our lunches quite hurriedly cause none of except for Blake wanted to be here. No one said a word since we got our food. We were all sitting and staring straight at Blake with anticipation clear in out stares.

                                "Guys I'm not going to do it," but we still don't say a word. He was getting frustrated, "stop looking at me like that guys, it's not that easy," he said with a very long sigh, while looking straight ahead, at the girl serving the table, two rows away from our table.

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