Dream One

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"Ready for next month?" Lloyd asks and pats my shoulder.

"Totally, can't wait for tour!" I fist bump the air.

"Get some sleep." He smiles and leaves my room. I sigh and and collapse on my bed. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.

-Dream One-

I could feel grains of sand in between my toes, I looked around and called out for anyone. "Hello!? Lloyd?!" I shout.

"What are you doing silly? We're at the beach remember?" I listen to the most beautiful voice ever that made me feel like crying, the most softest hands gliding against my bare back. She sang a song that I couldn't remember what it was, her voice singing so gracefully. I sighed in satisfaction and turned around to see a glimpse of the most plumpest and softest lips with Dahliah bites and snake bites.

"Who are you?" I ask, her lips move but a sharp ring flashed by quickly in my ears. "What?" It happened again when she spoke.

"When will you find me?" I don't know, her face grew blurry but her lips were the only thing sticking out so clearly.

"I-I..." A part of me took over and cupped her cheek, "I love you." A bright light flashed before my eyes.

-End of Dream-

I screamed and sat up, gasping for air. "What? What is it?" Dan ran in, freaking out as well.

"I-I had a dream and this girl...she was missing her face and I could only see her lips and-and I kissed her!" Dan put his hands down and sighed.

"I'm going back to bed." He turned around.

"I'm being serious!" I shout.

"Yeah, yeah see you tomorrow!" He shouts back before shutting my door. I sigh and lay on my back, falling asleep again.

-Next Day-

I couldn't sleep at all last night, I rubbed my eyes from being so tired and sat outside drinking coffee. I noticed a moving van coming into the new house next to us. I raised my brows in curiosity and looked at the people coming out. One girl and one boy. The girl had black, poofy hair, with pink streaks which suit her pretty well actually. She's wearing some black skinny jeans along with a black crop top on and a studded belt. The guy had on almost the same thing but his shirt was a long sleeve, his hair is jet black with red streaks. They both had breathtakingly, gorgeous grey eyes.

The man noticed me, looked and waved while smiling. I walk over to them and smile, "Need any help unpacking?" I ask.

"Sure thing! We don't mind." The woman spoke up with a very soft voice.

"We could use some help anyways." The man, with an extremely low and deep voice, answers.

I collided in to someone behind me, "I'm so-" I pause and look down at a short and skinny figure but her face covered up with a hood.

"It's okay." Her fragile voice spoke, "I'm not dead so I'm fine." She said before walking inside.

"Sorry, she's very shy. That's our daughter by the way." The woman smiled, "I had her at 15, I'm about to be 33 in a week. Can't believe how time flew by so fast."

"You look so young! I thought you were in your early 20s! Well I'm 21." I grin.

"Knew it." The man smirked, "well my name is Jacob. This is my wife, Anna and my little girl is Alissa."

"You guys seem like a young family, never seen one of you guys before. My name's Nicholas Matthews but call me Nick for short. I live with my band." They look at me in shock.

"Oh my god! How could I not have noticed!" Anna shrieked, "We love your guys' music so much! We're huge fans!" I smile and chuckle.

"Let's get started in moving you guys in."


An hour later, everyone is moved in but Alissa. "I'll bring her, her stuff." I say, they nod and continue unpacking the kitchen. I knock on the door softly, she opens it but I could barely see her face. "I um, brought your stuff." She nods and pulls me in. I set it on the floor near her closet and look around. "Need help with all your posters and decorations?" I ask.

"Tomorrow you may come by." She whispers, her soft voice ringing through my ears.

"Alright, hey," I pause and look out her window, "your window points directly to my room." I laugh. "Well, see you tomorrow. What time?"

"1:30." I nod and walk out.


After a nice dinner and shower, I collapse on the bed and look at my ceiling. The room is extremely dark besides the small Christmas lights I took from the attic that lit up the room. "Beautiful." A voice whispered, it made my heart skip a beat.

"Hello?" I called out and sat up, all I could hear was Heart Shaped Box playing softly in the background. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, falling back on the bed. My ceiling looked so bare, it's just a plain white color. Maybe I could add something nice to it.

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