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Namjoon's eyes softened as he watched as you stared into the campfire, watching the flames and the slowly blackening lump of wood that lay in the middle. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were sitting beside each other opposite to the leader and you, all three men gazing sleepily as the night arose overhead their heads. The night was quiet. The moon lay hidden underneath the soft clouds, casting a soft but comfortable light down to where you guys were.

You had traveled with the five members of BTS for a few days now. J Hope was apparently pretty far away from the city based on Jin's descriptions, so your small squadron had moved out of the city closer to the urban areas, near the wilderness. It had been an interesting experience, to say the least.

Taehyung kept making sexual innuendos every five seconds, winking and flirting like a hormonal old man. Jimin and Jungkook had cringed at every single thing their companion had said, Jin slapping all three men because of their so called "rudeness and disrespect to Y/N."

Namjoon had been strangely quiet for the past few days. He only spoke up once in a while, only when he needed to, piping in ideas or just giving small smiles when you asked him if he was ok.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you continued to stare into the fire in front of you, the soft crackling of flames soothing your thoughts in a way. Now that there was time, your mind brought you to your memories.

There were happy ones with BamBam as the two of you grew up together, trying to make the best of your depressing situation, and there were...less happy ones that creeped into your mind.

You shook your head.

I can think of bad things another time.

You looked up silently, mouth closed and staring up at the stars thoughtfully, watching the different constellations with somewhat of awe.

You heard an ungraceful snore from Taehyung across from you. The man was cuddled up against Jimin, lying on the other member, and Jimin was subsequently lying on top of Jungkook, who was asleep as well.

You let out a chuckle at the comical sight, eyes catching the line of drool that went down the side of Jin's face as he dozed off.

Stretching and letting out a tired sigh, you got up and walked a bit away from the campsite, the clear sky above you turning into forested limbs stretching all over your head. The woods were eerily quiet, the shadows seeming to creep from all sides.

It didn't matter to you. Darkness was a friendly face in your world, and you welcomed it.

Wandering thoughtlessly, you didn't stop your midnight hike until you came to a small meadow, and you once again sat on another log, closing your eyes and covering your face with your hands. Your mind wandered once more.


BamBam grinned at you from the other side of the sparring area, his teeth flashing, identical to the glint of his knives grasped in his hands. You smiled back at him, your chest heaving as you panted, tired.

"We should spar more often, Y/N. You're good."

You smirked as BamBam's compliment reached your ears, the two of you dropping all your weapons in unison. You slumped onto the floor, tiredly lying on the cold cement underneath your skin.

"We're not called the best two assassins of JYP for nothing, Bam. Everyone else here doesn't compare to my skill," You boasted teasingly and your friend rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Don't get so cocky, Y/N. You know I could beat you, easy PEASY."

You slapped BamBam on the shoulder, voice raising in a whine at his words.

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