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Sasha woke up with chills going through her body. When she sat up, a rag fell into her lap. Grabbing the frosted rag, she notice her four finger paws was five finger paw with no fur on it.

"Hi Sasha. I made some tea. The bo-"

Sasha got up, grab Sierra's throat and pin her to the wall. She start to choke the lady as her signature bass knuck appear on her fist. But instead of "BO$$", it said "FRO$T" with icicles spikes.

"Where am I and what have you done to me!?"

"Sasha, calm down!" Alex said with Slick behind.

"Sasha, we're on Earth. Remember, we went inside the wormhole to stop Queen Valkyra" Slick added on.

"I'm going to ask again, who are you?"

Sasha's grip got tighter on Sierra's neck. Sierra felt a cold chill rising from her neck to her face.

"Sasha, let her go or I swear I'll everyone what happened at Spooky Swamp last year."

The Boss turn to Slick with the meanest stare. The two stared at each other as Sierra started to turn blue. Sasha release her grip, the girl cough and inhale air. Alex and Slick were relieved.

"Thank you Sasha. The lady you tried to kill is Sierra who helped us when we came out. You are human. This is what we use to look like before we came to The Forgotten World."

"We?" Sasha asked.

"You know I'm Slick. This is Alex and Becky is on that bed" Slick point to Becky who was stretching and naked. The two guys scream, covering their eyes.

"'Ello boys. Oh, our bodies changed. What are these?"

"Okay ladies, time for clothes. Here Ms. Sasha and Ms. Becky" Sierra said handing the ladies clothes.

After they were fully clothed, Sierra and Sayia talk to Sasha and Becky, Hearah help Slick and Alex to reach a certain place.

"There could be a chance the two guys are in our world. Hopefully they'll be okay" Alex said.

"They're Kamen Riders. They should be fine" Sierra said, a little worried about the two.

"Kamen Riders? We know Kamen Riders" Alex told her.

"Do you know Detective Elliott Dawkins. He's Kamen Rider Accel."

The best friends looked at each other. Back when battling King Sombra, They met Ryu Terui who was Kamen Rider Accel. Maybe he was a new rider.

"You two look like you're related to someone I met. Do you two have daughters?" Sayia asked. Both of them shook their heads.

"I swear you two were the dads of Ricki and Violetta, Kamen Rider W."

"Isn't that Shortaro and Philip? Are we in alternate Earth?" Slick asked.

The computer screen Hearah was working on start to receive a call. She answered it and two people on screen. Alex and Slick got up to the screen, next to Hearah who was gushing.

"Slick! Alex! Where the bloody hell have you two been?!" an women with a british accent asked.

"Wanda! Angelo! We don't have much to explan. We just need one thing."

"Did you two say Slick and Alex?"

The best friends froze at the sight of an familiar person. "H-hi Sydney..."

"Alexander, Ricky. You two are alive. We all thought y'all were dead after you too disappear two years ago. But there you are."

"Yes...Sydney, we're alive" Alex said, a little scared at how the head scientist of L.O.S.T. was acting nice. It was very uncomfortable.

"That's great...because after I'm done with you, you'll wish you stay where at your hiding spot! You two dumbasses ruined my mirror!"

"Dr. Sydney Holland! Is this how we welcome our friends back?"

Sydney turn to see a red haired lady wearing a black dress walk up to the cam.

"General Parasol" Slick and Alex saluted.

"Slick, Alex. What can we do for you?"

"We just need our dino buckles. Thats all."

"You need them all the way to Crossight City?" Parasol asked with concern.

"Yes. We're on a mission to stop someone from taking over the planet" Slick told their General.

"How we know its the real Slick and Alex?"

"I swear I'll tell Scottie what you did in our Japan mission."

"Scottie isn't here."

"So who's that behind you?" Slick asked, smirking.

Parasol turn to see Scottie McCalister, her husband behind her with roses. Her face was turn redder than the roses itself. "Tell me what?"

"They're on their way. Nice to see you two again. Bye."

"Slick, Alex, hey-" Scottie said, but the screen was cut off.

"Alrighty, once we get them, we're going to find Queen Valkyra and Calgary and bring them back home" said Alex.

"Well do that quick! We got two problems" Sayia told the group, earning worried looks from everyone.

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