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It had been several months since blue had been forced into his GB form from some unknown power, and a year and a half since error's imprisonment in the void. Ink had tortured him to try and turn him into his former self but nothing was working. paps and dream didn't know but dream figured since he could sense blue's emptiness and pain. Ink had forced him on another walk and he kept tugging and choking him with the leash and collar. the collar was for if he had tried to get away the ink in it would turn black and strangle him until ink could catch him. If ink'd remember it was there.... Blue knew something was about to happen. something big. For the past three weeks. A big explosion was heard as blue snapped out f his thoughts and his face held hope for once in a long time while ink's held fear. Blue took his chance and ran past ink towards the explosion and ink started to run after him once he felt the leash be tugged away. His face contorted in confusion as he stared at blue's hopeful face. A face he hasn't seen since... Error's imprisonment. Ink tried using the collars power but blue refused to be controlled. He ran and brushed across error's pants and nudging his clawed hand. "Who are you?" error asked. blue bit at the blue collar,"Blue?" error stared with amazement at his not GB friend. "B-but how?" he asked as blue panted before shying away behind his legs. He looked over to where blue looked and snarled with a sarcastic grin. He saw ink.....He was the cause of this......Blue's condition and his too..... He snarled and laughed bringing his clawed hand up to his and error sharpened their claws at him......smiling to each other as they began their attack....

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