2 ~ In your dreams Miss Panipuri!

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Nandini's pov

I hurried up and picked up my phone. Thank God it wasn't  broken but my butt freezed as my legs got tangled and I was lying on my floor. I cursed the stranger who was responsible for my condition at this odd hour.

Sliding my lock screen, I tapped on the notifications. To my horror it was from that same Monsterrocks_18.

How dare he commented again?

It read:

What a boring vm I've ever seen. It sucks and who's responsible for such a lame vm? The admin herself. Ewww admin! Ewww FC! 😬

Next comment was on my PaNi edit by the same person:

Shippers and their brain! 😂 Like their eyes, their brains have turned into buttons. Gotta switch it on🤣 Ugly fugly couple! 👽

Another on my PaNi FF, on the scene of pool romance:

PaNi romancing in pool. Seems like the writer is too cheesy in romance. Cliché ideas that too on a mismatched unwanted couple. Writer babes go and have some pani(water) to immerse you and your Pani into Pani.😁

Now that was enough. He took my innocence for granted. You monster just wait and watch now!

Immediately I clicked on his profile. Damn! It was a private account. Except for the profile picture and the bio I couldn't see anything. The Display Picture was that of a monster with a smirk. If phones had the power to let me in his house through the screen then I would have scratched his face red with my long nails.

His bio read: 'An artist without a heart'. Okay so he was an artist. I needed to see his post but I couldn't as such. Playing with my fingers I finally sent a direct message to him.

Me: Mr monsterrocks_18 if you don't like my posts you could unfollow my page and simply ignore my posts. What was the need to be harsh and comment negative things? Say sorry now!

I tapped send and waited for his response. Will he accept or decline my request? One minute later a reply came.

Monster: Aah! So Miss Panipuri (PaniPuri is the name of an Indian snack) is here. Stalking much?

Me: How dare you call me Pani puri? And hello Mr Monster it's you who's stalking me.😬

It wasn't even 20 seconds of sending the message, that his reply came.

Monster: Ahan! Pretty much obsessed with my name Miss Panipuri? 😋

Me: That's not my answer! 😡 Why are you calling me Panipuri?

Monster: You run the most infamous couple's fanclub so this name suits you the best. After all Panipuris are a girl's favourite!😂

Yes Panipuri was my favourite still it didn't give him the entry pass to call me such names.

Me: Not a word against PaNi. Is that clear? And dare not call me by that name!😖

Monster: Oh My God I'm shivering!😂

Me: Say sorry!

Monster: For?

Me: You bashed my posts that's why.

Monster: You deserved it.

Me: Really and look who's the judge? The bloody monster!

Monster: You love my name.

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