Author's note :)

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    It has been brought to my attention that people are mourning the death of brave little Paris, and if she had lived, she's totes in Gryffindor. Hah. Great. I know you hate me for killing her but as I've said, she's in heaven now having tea parties with deceased bunny rabbits.

    And oh, a lot of people wanna be part of the story. Well, there's plenty of room for everybody. I see myself doing this longer than I've expected at first and as long as the requests keep coming, I promise that I won't stop writing.

    Unless a zombie eats my brains out.

    So yeah, just brace yourself for more dramatic deaths and whatnot.

    Marionsburg is waiting for us.

- Peeves/NJ Flores

WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS MARIONSBURG? - Vol. 1 Issue 2Where stories live. Discover now