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Genesis's POV:

I walked down the hall with my friends. We were headed to lunch. I as usual stayed quiet, just enjoying the peace. That is, until Fiona and Bell began to talk about some YouTube group they watched.

(Might be spoilers...)

"I can't believe they got completely in closed! That's so freaky.." Fiona said wide eyes Bell nodding in agreement.

"I know like how does that even-" Bell suddenly bumps into someone causing her to fall over. "Sorry my bad." Bell said looking up at who she had ran into.

"No it's ok fucking Aleks pushed me.." The guy says glaring back at one of the other guys. At the call of that name however,, Bell and Fiona look up instantly. Their eye's widen in shock.

"Oh my god.." Fiona says staring at the three guys in front of us. What are their problems? They're probably freaking the poor guys out. I roll my eyes at them.

"Guys calm down your creeping them out." I say but get no response. I huff turning to Winter, the only other friend with us at the moment. "Can you believe them?" I ask but she doesn't respond either she just face palms at the two. "What am I invisible?!" I ask crossing my arms, whats with them?

"It's ok you get used to it.." Someone whisperes next to me. I jump a bit looking over to the side. There was some one there giving me a sad smile.

I look at my friends quickly before whispering to him, "Who are you?" I ask mumbling "Haven't seen you around here."

"I-i'm C-Matthew!" He says a scared look on his face. I smile

"Well come on Matthew my friends are being jerks...let's go to lunch." I say smiling and heading to lunch with Matthew. "Ok you can sit over-"

"Gen.....who are you talking to?" Dawn asks giving me an 'are you nuts' face. I look around me Matthew was gone.....

"Ahh no one...just thinking out loud" I say rubbing at the back of my neck. That's weird where did he go? I shrug sitting down and eating my lunch. Soon Jane, and Mara come over and sit at the table, Jane bothering Mara as always. I laugh tuning into their latest quarrel.

"Well can I at least call you Marmar?" Jane asks Mara. "I mean a husband needs a nick name for their wife!" Jane says

"No you can't be my husband and you can't call me Marmar!" Mara says throwing paper bag at Jane. Hopping for more than a minor effect.

"Ok.....for now but you will be my wifey!" Jane says ducking out of the way. Bell and Winter come in I quirk an eyebrow.

"Where's Fiona?" I ask not seeing her anywhere. They shrug, "You don't know?!" I ask they shake their heads. Them being silent is just as annoying as ignoring me.."What was with earlier you guys totally ignored me!" I ask crossing my arms again.

"When?" Bell asked looking confused. I roll my eyes whatever, forgive and forget Genesis, forgive and forget. I tell my self.

Sorry if this sucks but heyyyy it's ok ok? Uhhh Vote Comment Suggest~K

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