Chapter 13 - Easter Bunny and Jealousy

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Ven's POV

It's Friday, Friday

Gotta get down on Friday

Everybody's lookin' for the weekend

Partyin, Partyin YEAH!

xD It's friday (okay unli much?) Tomorrow is Saturday (Obviously) -_-..

We have free skating tomorrow *o* yipieeeeeeee...

4th Perioud (Anger Management class).

It's Easter today ^_^...

The teacher is discussing... stuff.. Im too bored to remember xD..

*knock knock*

Who is that o.o ....


"Oooh. I remember we have a visitor today." - teacher

"Easter bunny!! *0* " - I screamed xD.

"It's not the easter bunny okay?"

awww. <\\\\3 bunny T^T xd

*opens the door*

Crap. It should've just been the bunny. T^T.

"Okay class listen to their presentations and write down notes."

Ughhh. notes >.<

"Okay grade nines find a seat."

Sit with me Sheen or sit on me jk xD mcflirt much..

Sheen sat infront. >3< I'm sitting at the back. Flirty fish, I mean his ex sat beside him that shrimp. >.<

K pyne I'm jelly.. p.s a pretty one. xD

They were in groups and guess what.. Sheen and shrimpy fish are partners T^T..... That's just not right...

They are presenting and I'm not focused. -3- Who will. Your crush and his ex are partners.. T3T..

Then the S.F (Shrimpy Fish) asked me a question.

"Is it normal to be mad and is it healthy?"

She smirked. She knew I wasn't listening.. This Squid.. >.<

I looked at Sheen and he just stared back. T^T

Pyne.. This fish ..

"Yes it is normal to be mad. We can let our anger flow once in a while. But it won't be normal if you get angry in every simple things. And Yes it's as well healthy. Letting our anger flow lessens our stress."

We haven't studied that yet so I'm pretty sure our teacher is amazed. Good thing I got bored this morning and read the book about anger ._.

I gave S.F a *beat that, b*tch* look xD

She just rolled her ugly eyes..

I looked at Sheen to see his reaction. All I got is a boredom expression. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

Aishh!! What's the problem with the world and fate? Keep us meeting together in one of my class >.<...

I got the highest mark . Oh yeah!! xD

Im so hexhited for tomorrow .. Gonna skate yipieeeeee!!!!"....

I'm still upset and Jelly though.. T^T

I admit I still like him. Well who can resist his cuteness >.< not me. xD

"K. Guys thank the grade 9's for helping us go through this lesson. We finished it in a day instead of a week. So grade 9 are going to make a circle then grade 7's inside the circle, so you can thank all of them 1 by 1." - teacher said.

*gulp* Seriously >.< WHAAAAA!! T ^T

So we did what she said. oh c'mon destiny. T~T

As we we're walking around and thanking them and shaking hands I'm getting more nervous.

I'm getting closer to "you know who". >_<

And when It's his turn. You know what happened? >_< The fish interrupted. When I was about to take "his hand" shrimpy fish grabbed my hand instead and shook it and smiled fakely to me. fish -_-.

So yeah I didn't had the chance to shake hands with him and thank him. :(

It's the fish's fault >3<. Oh and remember the girl that kissed him at the gym that is so obsessed with him at the same time? It's her. I didn't know what's wrong with Sheen when he dated that fish. Was he drunk or something? -.-

They left the room and I'm pretty sad T^T AISHH!! T^T I'm pissed..

After the bell ring I went to my locker like a corpse. xD

"Ven!! ^____^" -cbffs

"What?" - meh xD

"Pshh. Snobby."


"Ehh? What R ya talking about >3<... What fish? O.o Is there a fish here ^__^ I wanna see ^3^ Puhlease."

-_- I know that they're dumb but do they really need to prove it? AISH! >.<

"There's no fish. -_-" I plainly said.

"*huk* I want a fish. Whaaaaa!! T~T"

People are lookin at them wait scratch that they're lookin at us T^T I'm so a shamed that they're my friends. Hehe ^_^v

"Whatevs. gtg to mah class.. See yah."

Tayena followed me since we have the same class.

"Hey Princess. I know something is bothering you, what is it?"

That's what I like about Tayena she might be dumbish and crazy but if we're talking seriously she know's how to handle it maturely. sometimes >.<

"Nah, you don't wanna know >.<..."

"What is it?"



"See." I knew it. She's gonna reply like that..

-_- If it's about boys all she's gonna say is it's not worth talking and spending time for. .

It's just that Kaden is being snobbish to me for no reason. -_- boys and their periods lol xD

and Sheen, it's like there's something wrong with his aura today. Like his being snobby like Kaden. Then I haven't seen panget today :(..


K maybe I'm the one who should stop flirting around.. T^T


Bolded letters are important news!


I might change the cast because I'll change the Protagonists . I might as well change the title.

Comment and Vote for a better nation xD. thanks ^__^

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