"Astrid, seriously, who are you bringing for our christmas party? You only have a week to ask whoever!"

Of course, my best friend, Kendra, stresses everything in my life - which I find it sweet.

I sighed, tilted my head back. "Why do we even need to bring people to our christmas party? It's the company's christmas party for crying out loud."

She strtoll her chair to go to my place and placed her hand on her chin, her elbow covers my paperwork, whispers, "Girl, this is your chance to finally find someone after what? 3 years?" I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. She sit up straight and cleared her point. "I mean, come on. You're turning 30 soon and you haven't even met the one." She winked.

"Whatever, K." I chuckled and shooed her playfully as I continue to finish my paperworks.

I only realize that it was already evening when my other officemates had invited me to leave office early before our boss looks for people who he hates and make them have an overtime doing nothing.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 6:20pm. I didn't join my officemates since I don't feel like being in a big group. I cleaned my desk and looked at Kendra's table to see that she already left without me noticing her. Then my phone vibrated on my hand. Kendra.

"Hey A. I just left. I didn't wanna disturb you. Besides, I needed to go right away since mom needs some food. Keep in touch and take care, okay? See you tomorrow."

I smiled at the text and went back to my table and took my bag. I waved goodbye to some of my officemates who always take overtimes and went to the exit, tapped my I.D. for time out and wore my floral scarf and left the building.

"Hmm, pizza sounds nice for dinner." I said to myself. I walked towards the nearest pizza parlor and spoiled myself. I don't normally treat myself but when I do, I know I deserve it.

Dusk till dawn was playing in the speaker and I was singing softly while waiting for my pizza while scrolling through my phone. I didn't realize that I was really singing softly.

"You have a nice voice." The guy looked at me across the table and smiled at me as he finishes his drink. He have a great body built, toned biceps, and maybe even a very visible 6-pack abs. Oh Astrid, shush!

"Uhm," I chuckled nervously and tucked my hair on my ear. "Thanks. Didn't realize that I was into it."

He smiled and stood up and went to the empty chair in front of me, asking if he can join. I nodded and waited for him to sit then I smiled shyly.

He looked at me as if I am the most beautiful girl in the world. Then he smiled. "You look so beautiful."

I smiled, but he didn't let the conversation die down.

"So, are you from around here?" He shifts in his seat, thinking if it was a borderline question. "I mean it's okay if you don't answer it. I live just a few blocks from here." He chuckled nervously, placing his hand on his nape.

"I live a few blocks from here as well. It's actually located near the park." I said and the pizza was finally delivered to our table. I took a slice and offered him, he declined at first but I said it was okay, so he took the offer and ate with me.

We ate awkwardly but at the same time it was ... well to be honest his smile made me weak.

"Are you working?" I ask him in the middle of chewing my food but not in a unpleasant table manner.

"Yeah, I am working." He looked at the counter and then at me. It took me long enough before I realize.

"Oh my god, you work here?" I gasped.

He chuckled. "Yes. I uhm, I actually own this place. It's really overwhelming since I really didn't expect it to be this known in town and be an actual restaurant, you know." He chuckled, but I didn't feel him being so arrogant or boastful. I grin at him and congratulated him for his success, while here I am, not having a direct path to do with my life. "So, what do you do?"

I cleared my throat and smiled at him. "I actually work in an advertising company just across the street. I started working there as an intern then I got absorbed after graduation and tada! Here I am." I chuckled and sipped my glass of Sprite.

"Woah. Wait so you were that girl who - wait, Astrid?" He cupped his face, still can't believe everything I said.

"Yeah, how did you - oh my god, Evan?"

We were both in shock and can't believe our ears. Evan was my best friend back in highschool but we didn't interact much in college because his family needed move out and we both have different schedules and courses. Maybe us meeting in his restaurant is our mini reunion and also the right person to invite in the company's christmas party.

"Oh my gosh! I am so so happy to see you Astrid!" He held my hand - just like back in the days.

"I can't believe you made your dream come true, Eve!" I laughed and remembered my nickname to him - Eve, short for Evan.

We both laughed and shared our college stories, the hot guys in the football team and the hot girls in the cheerleading team, the professors who are terror but considerate and some professors who are plain terror, our classmates that have advantages and disadvantages when you talk to them, those kinds of stuff. It was actually fun catching up.

"Oh my, look at the time." I chuckled nervously and saw that it was already 11:47pm.

"Are you uhm, heading home? I mean we're already close anyway." I looked at him confused and look around and saw that some of the chairs were already on top of the tables and the sign on the door was already "Closed".

My mouth was agape and he laughs at me. "It's okay, we close at 9pm though. I can give you a ride home. It's dark outside. I can't let you walk alone." He stood up and went to the counter and called his crew and said something, while I fix myself, drank my Sprite and stood up, I wait for him in the door.

The lights in the store starts to turn off one by one and Evan went out from the staff room, wearing his fur coat and a phone in hand and keys on the other. He opened the door for me and I went out, and followed him to his car.

"Uhm, is this your car?" I caressed the Rubicon matte black Jeep and he chuckled.

"Yes, bought it as a christmas gift for myself last year." He opened the passenger's door and I went in, been wanting to have one since I was in college.

He closed the door and jogged to the driver's side while I wore my seatbelt and he rode in and started the engine.

The drive was fun. It was filled with music and sing-alongs and laughter. I actually live farther than him but he insisted in taking me home until my front door.

"You can stop here." I slightly pointed the house with christmas lights and took off the seatbelt. He pressed the hazard button and he looked at me. "Thanks for making my night a bliss. I didn't expect for us to meet again after like what, 4 or 5 years."

I chuckled. "It's good to see you again, Evan. Oh, before I forget, the company I'm working in have a christmas party next week and I was hoping to invite you - but no pressure."

"Sure. That'll be fun. Uhm, can I have your number?"

"Of course."

He gave his phone and I gave mine and we exchanged numbers. "Goodnight, Eve." I smiled and went out of his car and closed it, feeling the cold breeze of the christmas weather. I heard he rolled down the window on the passenger' side and he shouted, "Will I see you again tomorrow?"

I unlocked my door and took the keys out of the keyhole in the door knob and shouted back, "We'll see, Captain." I smiled and waved goodnight and went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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