<chap. 14>

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Y/n outfit
Y/n pov

"Now it is time to answer those boring essays and some puzzles!!" I said to myself as I jump looks like I'm tired

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"Now it is time to answer those boring essays and some puzzles!!" I said to myself as I jump looks like I'm tired. "Y/n there's breakfast downstairs, you can if you want and pack your things because mom's gonna get it, okay?" Yerin says as she closed my door at respectful manners. "Thanks for reminding me little sis!!" I said as I was shouting at her.

"I already got to wear and of course I take a bath". "Then I also add some smokey glam makeup, and out some nail polish".

"Y/n you should shake a leg dear!!". Mom says as she was shouting at the window side. "Ok ok! I'll not be slow!!". I said as I was grabbing my bag, lunch box and everything I have!!. I quickly went to the car and get in.



In the class.....

"Mr.Okoni, are you gonna check our homework by the way?". The girl said as she was flipping her pages carelessly. "Yes of course...hmm...okay class I'm gonna get your books and I'll have a gift if you get perfect". He said as he was jumping in his chair........"Sir.....excuse me for awhile...". In other hand, I said that as I was heading to the C.R....."Yes you may, Y/n." He said as he was getting our books properly....

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