Purrs - Sinbad(neko!) x reader - Request (magi AU)

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"Ok... I can do it! This time it's going to work...!!"

(Name) was in her lab trying to cast a new spell she had just read about. Up until now all she had managed to do was to turn a chair into something furry with a mouse tail, and one of her books now had some kind of bat wings and was flying around over her head.

This time, she was concentrating all her attention on a small cup over her desk.

"Animamlim asu.....!!!" She was halfway chanting the spell when the door busted open, making her turn her whole body to face this person.

"Hey (Name)! What are you doing?...W-WHAT....?!!" Sinbad received a dark ray of light directly on his chest, making him fall backwards.

"Sinbad!! Are you OK!?" The magician rushed to where he had fallen, kneeling beside him.

"What the hell were you thinking!? You can just walk in here!" She yelled, looking at him, worried.

"I'm fine..." He replied, setting up and scratching his head. "Wait... What is this!?" He asked, confused, as he touched something over his head.

"Oh my... You have cat ears!" The girl yelled.

(Name) expression went from surprise to fear and finally... Laughter.

"And a tail!" She pointed at him, while clearing some tears from the corner of her eyes.

She couldn't stop laughing as she saw Sinbad standing up, his brows frowned, with a pair of purple cat ears twitching over his head, along with a long furry purple tail coming out of his back.

"I have a what!?" He ran to the nearest mirror into the office, and examined himself.

"(Name)! What did you do! I'm half cat!" He yelled, looking at her with wide scared eyes.

"This is all your fault! I was practicing a spell and you came in without knocking!" She explained, pointing out at the mouse chair and the bat-book that was just flying out of the window.

"You have to fix this" He pleaded.

"l will. Calm down. Just sit over here and wait" She said as calmly as she could, gesturing him to sit on a big couch.

Sinbad sat there, with a grumpy face. (Grumpy cat xD, sorry)

"I just wanted to ask you out... And now I'm...this!" He huffed.

"Ask me out? To do what?" She frowned. "And this is not so bad. You look kinda cute" She said, walking over to him. "I'll fix this. Don't worry Kitten"" She teased, touching one of his fluffly cat ears.

"Ask you out on a date of course... So I look cute? Hmmm...prrr...What are you doing? Don't stop" Sinbad started to rub his head against the girl's hand.

"Sin... Are you purring??" She giggled.

"Hmmm...prrrrrs... No, I'm not.."

"Yes, you are!" She giggled even more.

"Well, I can't help it! You are scratching my ear and it feels nice" He murmured, closing his eyes.

"Ok, sorry" She said, taking her hand away.

"No, don't stop!" He grumbled, opening his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulls her into his lap.

"What are you doing!??" She yelped, trying to get away.

Sinbad takes her hand, puts it back on his head, near his ears.

"Just keep doing that. It feels nice, you owe me for this! AND! You are having dinner with me" He demanded, with a big grin on his lips, twitching his ears. (Name) had to admit she liked this Neko version of him.

"Ok, ok... You are a demanding, no-so-little cat, aren't you?" She patted his head and chuckled. She also saw his long tail swinging behind him. He closed his eyes again.

"We'll see about that dinner..." She whispered, still peting him.

He frowned and opened one of his eyes, but said nothing.

After ten minutes of ears-rubbing (Name) was starting to feel her hand sore, while the purple haired Neko was clearly liking it so much that was making him sleepy. He nuzzled her neck, while she rubbed the back of his neck and one of his cat ears.

"Hey Sin... Why don't you take a nap while I try to fix this? I can't do it if my scratching your head all the time" She said, while rubbing her hand on her cramped wrist.

"A nap?... That sounds nice actually" He replied, lifting his head, with half-lidded eyes.

(Name) was about to get up from his lap when he put a hand behind her neck and pulled her into a quick but sweet kiss.

"W-what are you doing?" She stuttered, pulling away.

"Sorry. The cat-part in me made me do it" He replied, innocently, but he soon had a smirk on his lips.

"Sure... The cat-part." She rolled her eyes "Just go to sleep" The magician demanded in a serious tone, although she was doing her best to suppress a smile.

"Ok... Ok..." Sinbad yawned, while (Name) slowly got up from his lap, leaving room for him to lay down.

Once she was back at her desk, looking for a way to change him back, she glanced at the six foot tall Neko she had in her lab.

He was sleeping, curled into a ball, and his cat ears and tail were twitched now and then. It was the cutest thing she had seen in a long time.

"Ok Sin, I guess we have a date" She whispered to herself.


A/N: Ok, this was my second Magi request, and it's for jacquelinegallegos97 .
She requested: a "Neko Sinbad x magician Reader"
This is my first time writing a Neko story, so I hope it's ok. I tried to make it a bit funny and cute.

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