The Festival - Sinbad x OC / Request (Magi AU)

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Aridai looked at Morgiana and the dancers that were making their way to the party. She had to admit the young Fanalis was looking stunning, and she smiled to herself thinking about how that girl really deserved to have some fun. Well, maybe she deserved to have some fun as well. After all, where this her so call vacations?

After living in Kou for a year in the Kou Empire, and ten years with the Fanalis corps at the Reim Empire, Aridai had finally taken some time off to visit her old friends in Sindria.

She had met Sinbad before he was a king, along with Ja'far, Hinahoho, Drakon, and others that sadly weren't here anymore.

The Fanalis woman shook her head to push those sad memories away, and determined, made her way to the part of the castle from where the dancers had come.


"Sin, don't you think you should slow down with the wine?" Ja'far scolded, looking at his king, who was drinking his third glass of wine.

"Cheer up Ja'far! This is a Festival after all! You should be drinking too!" Sinbad ginned, raising his glass.

"You know I don't drink" His advisor huffed.

"Well, you should. You are too serious. Like Aridai. She's like stone cold." The King said, leaning back in his chair.

Both of them were sitting at a big table, along with Masrur.

The rest of the General were at a different table, with Aladdin and Alibaba.

"Aridai is a serious woman, but she isn't cold. She's kind and funny. She only acts the other way with you!" Ja'far grumbled, making Masrur smirk.

"What do you mean?" Sinbad raised an eyebrow, looking at the two of them.

"You are always hitting on her or making some kind of inappropriate comment" The white haired man said, in a matter of fact tone.

"No, I'm not" Sindria's king smirked.

Ja'far rolled his eyes.

"And where is she after all?"

The moment Sinbad asked, a group of dancers joined the festival and started performing over a platform. 

Everybody turned to watch them, and they recognized Morgiana, dancing among the them. She was wearing fancy festival clothing. But what almost makes Sinbad spit out his wine, was seeing another Fanalis girl, also wearing the same festival clothes, and dancing there as well.

"It's that...?" Ja'far started to ask, as surprised as his King.

"Yes, it's her" Masrur answered while the three watched her, amazed.


Once the dance had finished, Sinbad called for Aridai to join them at their table.

"I must say, I never thought you could dance like that Aridai" The purple-haired male grinned, looking her at up and down "And the outfit really suits you" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Aridai rolled her eyes and sat next to Masrur.

"And here I was, thinking you didn't know how to have fun" He keeps teasing her.

"I know how to have fun Sinbad. I just don't do it with you" She said bluntly, gaining some contained laugh from Ja'far. Masrur chuckled, looking at Sinbad, who was taken aback by her remark, but only for a second.

"Really? Well, maybe you should! What do you say if we play some drinking game?" He smirked.

"I don't think that's...." Ja'far began to say, but was cut off by the Fanalis girl.

"What do you have in mind?" Aridai asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Let's see which one of us can't Hold His Liquor" Sinbad proposed with a mischievous grin.

"Ok. Let's do it" She nodded.

In front of the disapproving look of Jafar, and the slightly amused look of Masrur, Sinbad placed a big jar of wine and two glasses over the table.


A small crowd, along with the rest of the Eight Generals, plus Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba, had gathered around the king's table.

They cheered as Aridai downed yet another glass of wine.  Sinbad on the other hand, had fallen forward onto the table top. He was resting his cheek over his arms, glaring at the girl.

"How can you drink so much!??" He grumbled, with weary eyes.

"She's a Fanalis you dumbass" Ja'far growled, standing next to him.

"Looks like I win, your majesty" Aridai teased, slamming her glass down on the table.

The crowd cheered even more.


A/N: This was a request from my friend NaerysSnow17 . And, maybe, a collab for her Kouen x OC book "Scarlet Dawn". If you like Kouen you should read it! It's great!
I hope you like and I also hope I got your OC personally right!

Aridai belongs to NaerysSnow17

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