Chapter 4

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Quensilla's POV

I was having trouble with this stupid machine, so I slapped it, hoping coffee would automatically spill from it.

"Look who we have here." I spin on my heel and find Chase.

"Chase!" I squeal and he smirks, tilting his head, he pulls me into a hug and he still smells the same.

That's not w.

"How've you been?"

"Pretty good." He says, shrugging and I nod.

"How about you Ms. runaway? I'm surprised to even see you alive." He raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes, getting back to the machine.

"I mean, I've been okay. .I work for Theodore now." I snort.

"Apparently." He presses a button that relieves all my stress and I breathe a sigh of happiness.

"Thank you."

"No problem. That's for you?"

"Oh no, its for him." I state and Chase rolls his eyes.

"He's still lazy."

"You work here too?"

"Yea, I'm the manager." He states.


"I asked for one cup of coffee thirty minutes ago." Theodore's voice echo's through the kitchen and I roll my eyes. I walk up to him, giving him a sarcastic smile and pushing it on his roughly. He hisses as some spills on his hand.

"Maybe you should've done it yourself." I snap, leaving and walking to my office.

I can't believe I just talked to my boss like that, I'm going to get-

The door slams shut and I turn to find a furious Theodore.

"What did I tell you?" His voice is low and I honestly want to tremble but I stand my ground.

"I can't remember." I fold my arms and I know it pushes my boobs up even more, serving as a distraction.

"You need to get some loose shirts." He says bluntly, straying from the topic and I scoff.

"I think you should just keep your eyes up here." I say sarcastically and he grunts.

"Its your second day and you're already pushing my buttons." He runs a hand through his hair. "Just complete these." He points to the new set of paper work.

"You have thirty minutes, then report to my office since we have a meeting. If not I will start without you." He slams the door and I mock him silently, grumpily starting my work.

× × ×

By the time I was done, about fifty minutes had passed. I rushed to his office pushing it open and some of my hair flew into my face.

I was met with a room filled to the brim with men and I gape running a hand through my hair and pulling down my ridden up skirt.

I clear my throat, walking towards an empty seat.

"Sorry." I mumble as I sit next to Chase and he smirks. "What do I do?"

"Just write some notes, the price etc."

"So why are there so many men if only one person is buying?"

"No no no, these, are buyers." My mouth falls open at the amount of men, willing to buy a specific piece of land."

"You may continue." Theodore's voice, tilled with authority causes me to turn to him and I almost fall apart as his striking eyes were already on me.

The meeting continues and I am stunned to say that each of these men never went below a million.

When the picture showed up, the details of his drawing was amazing. Everything was neat, concentrated, stressed on. It was beautiful.

I had to hold in a gasp as someone's hand brushes against my thigh.

It couldn't be Chase since the hand came from my right side.

I find a man, almost twice my age giving me a sly grin. I glare at him and move away slightly as he leans towards me.

"After I get it, me and you could enjoy it together. Would you like to?" " He says and I cringe at his breathe smell.

Aren't rich people supposed to be highly hygienic.

He places his hand against my thigh again and I brush it away.

"No thank you. I already have a boyfriend." I lie.

"Oh, sleeping with the boss eh'." He looks towards Theodore who was scowling at us and I avert my eyes. He tries to move his hands between my legs and I clench my jaw. "I never took you for the slutty ty-"

He couldn't continue because my hand was too busy colliding with his cheek. The room goes quiet and his face was already red, seething with anger.

"Next time you touch me, I will break you hand." I whisper.

"Mr. (Honestly what was Theodore's surname) Storm! Control you workers!" He spat with disgust and Theodore only stood, smirking and motioning to me to follow him. I stood also, happy to leave as my heels click against the floor announcing my departure.

"That's a very important man you just hit Ms. James." Theodore says, but his tone was playful.

"Yea. Disgusting too." I mumble more to myself.

"What did he say?" He asks turning to me.

"Nothing I couldn't handle."

It was the touching that really irked me. Pathetic man.

"He touched you?" Theodore took a threatening step towards me, his tone deathly quiet.


He was quick to move towards the door but I was faster standing in front of him gripping his arms, and forcing him to stop.

"Its only my first day, I really don't want any more trouble. I took care of it." I reassure him and his eyes snap to mine, softening a bit.

"Very well." He says reluctantly. "Next time though, I won't care what you want."

I just sigh, turning towards the door, to walk back to my office.

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