Chapter 7

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Quensilla's POV

After my embarrassing break down, I locked myself in my room, scolding myself for being so weak.

It was only the first day and here I was breaking everything in sight and having a tantrum.


Running my hand through my hair, I standing walking around the room. I have to act professional. I have too. Because I felt so comforted when he held me to his chest. I wanted it.

Damn it.

Penelope said that if he wants I should let him in, but how do I do that?

He hasn't even apologized and I'm already melting in his arms. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I need to go out there and make it clear that I didn't come here to look like a fool. I came here to work and that's exactly what I'll do..

Unlocking the door, I step out, ignoring him as he sat on his laptop, even when he looked up at me, even when he leaned back. I just walk to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and sitting on the stool, staring at him dead in the eye, while sipping on my water.

"When's the first meeting scheduled?" I ask and he sighs.

"Tomorrow, 3 pm."

"Okay, I'm going out. Don't wait up."

"Where are you going?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows and I pull on my jacket.

"Out." I say curtly and he walks quickly.

"You'll get lost. Let me go with y—"

"No. You've done enough. I have a friend here, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to take me with him."

"Chase please please please." I lazily drape myself over him as he stands in his doorway.



× × ×

"So you've never had any other relationships?" Chase questions, biting into his ice cream and I cringe.

"Well, I've had one."

"Really?" Chase leans forward and I roll my eyes. "With who?"

"A man." I deadpan and he snorts.

"Obviously, but who?"

"How would you know him?" I tilt my head and he chuckles.

"Alright, don't tell me. But what happened?"

"We didn't work out. We lasted about Two years. ." I shrug. "He wanted more than I could give him."

"But you have a kid." He raises an eyebrow.


"Who did you have the kid with?"

Oh sheet.

I clear my throat and he seems even more intrigued.

"You participated in Artificial insemination?" He gapes and I frantically shook my head.

"Gosh no!" I giggle and he leans back.

"You're a virgin. ."

"I didn't say that. ."

"But two years with a man means you would be comfortable with having sex. .again."

"Not everyone's the same Chase." I deadpan and he scrunches up his face.

"Unless. . .unless your child's adopted." My eyes widen and so does his. "She's adopted isn't she."


"This whole time I thought that you actually pushed this child from well. . your va—"

"Chase!" I was quite flustered as everyone turned to us.

"Theodore was freaking out." He chuckles.

"You cannot tell him."

"Why?" He tilts his head.

"Because, he'll think that he can come into my life now." I exasperate.

"And. . . .that's a bad thing?"

"Yes! Do you know what he did to me?"

"That was like seven years ago."

"He left me when I needed him the most Chase. What's keeping him from doing it now?"

"He thought he was protecting you." Chases sighs and I shake my head.

"He hasn't even apologized." I scoff and he bites his lip.

"He's changed a lot honestly . . . not towards me of course." He says arrogantly and I roll my eyes. "But you kinda. . . sent him mad when you left without saying anything. He went ballistic."

"That's not my problem." Chase sighs.

"I don't know what to tell you guys. He hasn't apologized, that's kind of a dick move."


"But you need to apologize to."

"Me? For what?"

"You just left out of the blue. I mean sure, you didn't tell him, but you didn't tell us either. We all care about you Quensilla. That was a dick move on your part too." He shrugs and I bite my lip.
"Lauren was the only one that knew and she refused to tell us. Imagine how we felt knowing that you just up and left, not even bothering to tell us goodbye."

He's right.

I didn't have to tell Theodore goodbye. . but these were the people I called friends. . who defended me. .who fought for me.

"I'm sorry." I sigh and he smiles.

"I know." We both stand ready to leave and once we were on the streets, he pulled me into him by the waist.

"You're forgiven." He nods as we walk and I laugh at his serious expression, not bothering to move out of the comforting position we were in.

For the first time, a memory from the past was back, and it wasn't here to haunt me

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