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I sat on the bed in the room I was provided with. It was big, bigger than my one at home. The walls were white, except one, which was black. The bed sheets were a dark grey color.

A light knock came to the door.
"Come in," I said, shoving my notebook under my pillow.
The tan skinned girl walked in. "Hey David," Brooke said, sitting beside me.
"Hey," I said looking down at my hands.
"There's this party I'm going to tonight, it where the younger crowd in gangs go. I wanted to know if you would like to go with me."

I looked up at her. Parties meant drugs, and alcohol, and everything I had grew up around.
But its all seemed new.

"Yeah.. sure.."
"Cool. We can leave now or later, it's completely up to you."


"Now is fine."
She smiled and nodded. As she made her way towards the door, she turned back to look at me. "Your jacket is in the front room."
A smiled found my lips as she walked out.

She was such a sweet girl, beautiful too. Something about her made me tick. I had felt that way before.

I just didn't know where.


Brooke walked ahead of me towards the large house. You could hear the music outside, and almost smell the alcohol. There were several rows of cars parked in the yard.

I pushed through the crowd of people, reaching the counter where Brooke was.
"Here," she handed me a beer.
I took it hesitantly, and opened it.
It was the kind my dad drank. He wouldn't drink any other brand but this one.

The familiar burn made its way down my throat as some guy approached us.
"Brooke! It's been forever!" He gave her a side hug and looked at me.
"David this is Dani, he's a close friend to the gang."

I nodded and took another sip of my beer.
"I'm the supplier for the local gangs."

"A drug lord," Brooke spoke up.
I nodded again.
He smiled and took a swig of whatever was in his cup.

"Tell your father I'll his order tomorrow. I have to deal with the Koshy's tonight."
Brooke rolled her eyes. "As long as they don't show up here, it'll be fine."
"They might. Well, she might. We all know Ethan is the humble one," he said with a laugh.
"Elizabeth Koshy is nothing but a fake. She thinks she's all big and bad but she isn't."

"How do you know," I said, trying to hide be hide my bottle.
"She's a lying bitch, her family stole twenty thousand dollars from other gangs. Then she lied about it to protect her family."

"Well, this is gangs we are talking about. Did you expect her not to lie?"
Brooke shot me a glance.
"When it comes to drugs and money, you don't lie."

Dani turned towards his cup again. "But she is pretty fucking hot," he said taking another swig. "Every guy in every gang would die for a night with her. Only few are every lucky enough."

Brooke rolled her eyes again and turned towards me. "Lets go dance."

It hadn't been two hours, and I was already drunk. I had my hands on Brooke's waist as we slowly pushed against each other. She would lean up and kiss my neck every once in a while, turning me on even more.
She pulled me away from the crowd and into a room.
Her lips crashed into mine as she wrapped her legs around me.
Her hands forced their way through my hair as we kissed.

I fell back onto the bed be hide me with her, her giggles filling the room.

We continued to make out as the party died down. Then she pulled away slowly.

"David, I like you."

I smiled and she returned.


I sat on the counter, Dallas standing between my legs. I spotted a familiar blonde boy.

"Dani!" I smiled as he looked at me and returned it. He made his way towards us with a bright smile.
"Long time no see Liza. So are you and my brother a thing now," he said motioning to Dallas.
Dallas looked up at me with a smile and rubbed my thigh.
"Not quite."
"We're getting there," he said laughing.
Dani sipped his vodka. "Good luck guys."

He walked off into the crowd, leaving me with Dallas.
I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He lightly kissed back and smiled.
I rested my head against his and closed my eyes.

I felt safe there with him. It was something I had felt before.

I just didn't know where.

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