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Days passes and Seb has almost finished the prison job. There are just 3 people alive in the entire prison now: himself, the police officier and Spike.

Sebastian looks at spike, holding a knife in his hand as he looks at the skin tearing creature in front of him being sticked to a water tube and growing unintentionally.

A creaking noise can be heared as Spike spits the tube out of his mouth, too round, too fat to move even a finger, a thick fat substance leaks from the gang leader's stomach. "food." Spike says.

Sebastian shakes his head. "I want you to keep alive. You're the last who should die. You dared me and I will succeed the dare while you're alive. Everyone in prison will die, except me. Of course not me. This officier got to die first, then I'll give you your food or... I stab you." Sebastian says. Putting the water tube into the officiers mouth, but Seb noticed something. The officier is already double the possible size to live and is still alive.. it makes Seb think as he puts the water on and watches the mass of the body swell up even more, watching the fingers found into perfect little balls.

Sebastian remembers: he injected the man with droplet fat.

He looks at the police officier, round, fat... massive... "immortal..." Seb whispers. He turns around frustrated and throws a knife to Spike, hitting the man in his lower stomach and causing even more droplet fat to leak out.

"Hey!" Spike shouts.

"Come on, it doesn't hurt." Seb mutters as he slips onto the ground, sighs deeply and thinks. "I might be immortal." He says.

"What's wrong about that?" Spike says as he moves his arms trying to reach the knife which is impossible.

Seb sticks out his hand, spreads his fingers, waits till he feels metal and makes his hand to a fists, pulling out the knife. "That I can't die. I need to test shit." Seb says, stabbing Spike another time which kills Spike.

authorsnote next book:

Book 6 ?
Yes or No?

tell now!

this was last chapter of book 5 ... so next published part will just as the others books tell if the next book comes up.

*quite insecure about last chapters*

- Elly

Take Care    (book 5 in The Droplet Series)Where stories live. Discover now