Park Jimin ~Let it snow~

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{Hi!I'm Livvy I'm one of the writers and I'll be writing many stories after this, please enjoy!Remember what we say~~Love Yourself-Love Myself}

[Y/N's] P.O.V

I had moved to Korea just a few months ago and it was currently December, I knew the difficulties of moving but it was the snow that bothered me the most.I had honestly hated the cold weather with a passion.

I decided that in this cold weather I would get a hot chocolate from the cafe near my apartment, it was snowing and my hands trembled in my gloves as I shivered from the cold.(I hate being cold so I'm not surprised)I slowly opened the door to the cafe and smiled as I felt the warm air hit me"God this feels like heaven" I muttered in English even though I'm fluent in Korean, I still rather using English.I ordered a large hot chocolate to sit in and found a free seat beside the window.Soon my order was called and I got up to take it however as soon as I turned around with the drink in my hand I bumped into someone making the drink splash over them.

Without looking up I grabbed many tissues to help the person from getting burned however the brown burning patch on their white woollen sweater looked ugly.I blushed and scrambled to help the person '' oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't see you at all.Oh God'' I started dabbing the white cotton wipes on the sweater immediately feeling regretful, "I am so sorry" I gasped out as my voice cracked from the nervousness, I continued to dab the brown stain from the sweater before a gentle hand grasped my palm and softly pulled my hand away from the sweater. "Hey, it's okay don't worry it'll wash away" a sweet voice chuckled softly, the tone was laced with honey and I honestly could listen to it all day long,(Me when I hear Jimin sing)I looked up with my [E/C](Eye colour) eyes only to meet the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen staring right into mine.

In front of me was the most beautiful man that I have ever seen. *Holy God, this man has to be an angel if not a god* "It's completely okay don't worry about the sweater but if you don't mind, could I buy you a hot chocolate again?since you spilling yours was pretty much my fault" The beautiful man spoke, I looked up confused "What do you mean it was your fault that I spilled my hot chocoalte on you?" I giggled at his cuteness. "Well I was standing a bit close plus how can a gentleman not buy such a gorgeous lady a drink?" He smirked with his pink plump lips, "Only if you sit with me" I smirked,"My pleasure Angel"(It's a nickname cuteee)He smiled and went to order the drinks again as I sat down at my table again and waited. Soon enough he came back with our drinks and sat across from me and introduced himself."I'm sorry it took so long, I'm Jimin"His lips tilting into a soft smile, I reached out my hand over the table and Jimin held onto it instead of shaking it causing me to look at him shocked "What?I'm cold" He giggled, I couldn't help but blush " Well I'm [Y/N] nice to meet you" i whispered out causing him to smirk.We talked for hours but he would not let go of my hand, not that I wanted for him to let go, to be honest, I felt so happy just sitting there holding his warm hand.

"Hey, would you like to go for a walk with me?"Jimin scratched his neck as a slight blush decorated his cheeks, I blushed at the question "sure" I whispered out trying not to act flustered.Jimin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together before walking out of the cafe into the snow, we began walking towards a park not too far from the cafe. The park looked truly magical, the ground and the trees covered in crystal snow, it all looked like a fairy tale. The snow started to fall down rapidly and the wind picked up its speed, I started to shiver from the cold but I tried waring myself up so Jimin wouldn't notice I was cold. I must be terrible at acting because the second I shivered Jimin turned me around to face him and wrapped his coat around me bringing us closer, by closer I mean my head was tucked into his shoulder,"[Y/N]?"He whispered,"Hmm" I hummed. He backed away a bit but held my arms closer to his chest around where his heart was,"I was told that falling in love with angels was impossible but after meeting you I can truly say anything is possible as long as I'm with you,my heart beats faster-knowing you're here,it doesn't matter how long I've known you,I can tell you now that I really love you"He studdered out,his words made my heart speed up and without even thinking twice I kissed him only to feel his heart speed up as my hand rested on it. This is what love feels like.

~~{Once again Hi!I'm Livvy I hoped you liked my story and I will write more,don't be afraid to request anything,just remember to give us your request and writer and it will be written as soon as possible~~For now I'm out~~Livvy Out!~~Remember what we say Love Yourself~~Love Myself~~BYE!}~~

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