Crackers, Wine, and Good Company >> Natasha Romanoff X Shy!Reader

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Title: Crackers, Wine, and Good Company

Paring: Natasha Romanoff X Shy!Reader

Warnings: new years, kissing, bisexuality, science 

Spoilers: noope


Author's Note: Happy New Year! See you, 2017!


The best part of working in a lab, was not the fact that you could work also on your own scientific things. Well, it's a great fact, and you did that, quite often. But no. The best part of working in a lab was that you could do your job, and not talk to anyone else. In your high school yearbook, you'd been voted most likely to live alone (as a joke), and best introvert (for real). It was a miracle that you'd even been selected from the graduating class to work alongside the Avengers themselves, but still, it happened, and as a scientist, and as a very shy person, it was amazing.

You worked alongside Dr Banner, and Dr Cho, and on the odd occasion when she breezed into town, Thor's ex-girlfriend Dr Foster. But three people who talked to you were enough for your quota, and you did your best to keep to yourself and do the best work to aid the Avengers in their quest to better humanity.

That was until you saw Natasha Romanov.

You'd seen girls before, oh boy, yes, you've seen girls before. Girls with perfect hair and rude tendencies. Girls with long legs and sarcastic comebacks. Girls flirting the bi-curious line and running back to boys after a kiss. But when you saw the ex-Agent, your eyes grew wide, pulse grew fast, and you turned heel and walked the way she was not. In that zero point zero two second lapse, you saw how incredibly gorgeous she was. Hair so straight, could give a paper cut. Smile so perfect, it could kill a man. Eyes that could probably do that too.

You ran back off to your lab, the results for Mr. Stark still in hand, and heart racing faster than ever before in your life. If she was the Black Widow, then, well, you'd be a caterpillar. Prey. Your experience of dating girls in your life made you practically vowed off love, and as a woman whose heart went to men and women, that meant something. Being publicly dumped and humiliated one too many times did that.

But Dr Banner caught on to it.

"Tony said he didn't get the atom-based Vibranium blaster theory paper last month," He said, pushing a scuffed pink mug of terrible coffee toward you. "And the report on the improved arrows for Barton yesterday." You cup the mug in your hands, unable to look at your co-worker and friend. "I thought I gave them to you to pass on."

You mumble something, and then, realising it was too inaudible, say, "I got distracted. Sorry."

Bruce pulls up a stool beside you. "Distracted? You're the best scientist I have here – you helped me calculate the differentiation between the X-Gene and that of an Inhuman." He places a hand near your own, and says, "Is everything okay?"

You nod. "Y-yeah. Just...I don't want to be a runner anymore. If that's okay with you."

He cracks a smile. "Sure, ________. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, I'm not a monster," he chuckles, and taking a sip of his mug, pats you softly on the shoulder. "I got results back from the forensics, and you wouldn't believe what the alien material found has traces of..."

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