Chapter 6

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Another chapter up, sorry this seems a bit short...hopefully i can work on making longer ones as this story progresses. Enjoy. :) 

She slowly got to her feet, the throbbing evident in her ankle made it hard to walk. She hobbled towards the wall in the circular room and looked up the surface provided no hand holds to climb it was as clean as a stone wall could be—rubbed smooth and impassable as a way up and out of this nightmare. She was about to wander to the next room spying a carved passage that held an intimidating carving of a deaths head; a skeleton face with angel wings behind it... the rest of the doorway was carved with buttercups and vines.

It reminded her of some old colonial head stones she had seen up in Pennsylvania once, oh well she had no choice she couldn't go back now. Finding a discarded stick—more so a branch she picked it up—it was tall enough to use as a make shift crutch which would help get some pressure off her mangled ankle. There was quite a breeze down here and her clothes while not quite dry yet were still damp enough to cause her to shiver. Hobbling though she saw another patch of buttercups...weird there was no real light source down here grow buttercups.

She about crapped herself when she suddenly heard a sickening sweet voice down here in the dank room with her.

"Howdy, My name is Flowey the look lost do you need a hand?"

"Who—what?" she spun around looking everywhere but the patch of buttercups."

There was a tiny irritated sigh then the voice called again. "Down here—you wouldn't believe how often I get this..."

"Oh—s-sorry." She blushed looking down... good lord a talking flower she had to be unconscious—some nightmare—was she dead?

'You look confused that's understandable..."

"So Flowey is it... do you know how I got here, how I get home?" she looked at the yellow flower who was suspiciously looking at her ankle.

"Of course I do—but there are a few things you need to know about this place."

"W-what is that?"

"How do defend yourself of course silly—down here its kill or be killed—past this doorway is a world of monsters that are out to kill you—so you will have to be cunning and strong. Here I have something to help you."

Suddenly a bullet looking twirling seed like item appeared. Frisk already didn't like the looks of this—the way the tiny flower was looking at her was not making her confident in its ability to help her—besides what he just said...

"Friendliness pellet—this will help your ankle."

The seed suddenly shot towards her and she dodged it—the thing zipped past her like a bullet and her expression hardened as the creature smirked.

"I'm trying to help you...what's the matter?"

"Look I can take care of myself just tell me how to get home." she leaned heavy on her crutch pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"I are not too bright are ya?" the tone was acidic.

"I didn't come here to be insulted... I don't want to be here at all..." she gave the plant a frustrated look.

Another pellet appeared and she tried to dodge it, but it grazed her cheek she wasn't expecting another ballistic seed. She gasped in pain slapping the side of her face where it zipped by like a razor—the flesh sliced open and fresh blood starting to seep.

"You dirty little weed!"

"Can you dodge all of them?" he chuckled darkly it was like his voice changed octave.

Sweat appeared on her brow as she noticed she was surrounded on all sides by these seeds...shit. They started to fly one by one in rapid succession she couldn't dodge all of them she could barely dodge one. They ripped into her slicing her open as her clothes became slick with blood. She cried out as the plant seemed to feed on her suffering. Falling to her knees she tried to defend herself from the blows.

He was just about to yank her soul from her body finished toying with her when one of the monsters loyal to Toriel showed up. A blast of water sending the weed tumbling away it hissed and dove into the dirt. The creature rushed forward to the downed human and rushed out of the room and through the ruins reaching a house where Toriel used to live—before Flowey... the young monster couldn't think of that right now. She had to get her somewhere safe.

More to come so stay tuned. 

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