Chapter: 3 Welcome Back Isaac

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(Isaac's point of view)

I couldn't see anything my vision was blocked by something I had never been more frightened in my life. Where ever these guys came from before obviously, they want to get even with. Fuck what the fuck is going on what the fuck have I done to deserve this I've already been through enough hell fuck why just why. I then heard footsteps behind him "hey NateMare if that's you better let me the fuck go before I-". "You'll what kick my ass," NateMare said removing the blindfold from Isaac's eyes. "Yeah, something like that" Isaac chuckled. "Don't think this is a joke Isaac I'm not somebody to be messed with alright!" NateMare spat. "Yeah I get it god why are you so salty bro?" Isaac questioned. "Oh if only you knew where we came from and what I've gone through to be here," NateMare said. "Oh sure like you've been through a lot motherfucker" Issac joked. "Do you want me to cut your throat and gut you from the inside out and then drag you across the driveway making while your guts spill from the inside out!" NateMare threatened. "o-okay man chill, chill," Issac said. "Good, now on to the matter at hand where the hell are we?" NateMare asked. "What are you talking about your on fucking planet earth," Issac said.  "Ugh, your such a smartass" NateMare insulted. "Yeah and you're a psycho fucking asshole, gothic long haired emo bitch" Isaac joked. "Oh your so funny Isaac, now my question where the hell am I," NateMare asked again, holding the knife to Isaac's throat. "Okay, okay chill man I'll tell you" Isaac gulped. "Um, you said you came from somewhere else?" Isaac asked. "Yeah we did and I know that this place is not the world we were in just a moment ago," NateMare said. "Yeah, no shit sherlock" Isaac joked again. "Look you're in my world it's different to the real world where there's another guy who looks like me but's different," Isaac said. "Yeah and his name is Jessie Ridgway," NateMare asked. "Yeah him," Isaac said trying to hold back saying an insult to Jessie's life compared to his life. "Well you're going to go to Jessie's world and get my friend NateWantsToBattle" NateMare demanded. Isaac gulped as much as he knew whos suicidal he was most days, feeling the knife to his throat made him regret all the bad things he had done well most of them. "okay I'll help just don't kill me" Isaac begged. "Oh don't worry I won't well if you fail me I'll give you a whole other something to scared of" NateMare chuckled.  "W-Where is my dad?" Issac asked. NateMare clicked his fingers a light on the other side of the basement shined down a man tied to a chair blood stained on his clothes. "Isaac who the hell are these guys, what are they doing in my house" he shouted. "Dad just stop, okay look I'm going to fix this just trust me, please okay I'm going to get us out of this I promise you," Isaac said. His dad didn't respond to him he merely looked down and signed. "Okay, I trust you just please come back in one piece," he begged. "I will dad I promise you," Issac said. "Well now that was all good here I want you to contact Jessie Ridgway and get to his world and bring Nate back here or else your dad will be chocking on a handful of blood that'll be bleeding from his throat to his guts" NateMare smiled. "Okay I'll go," Issac said. NateMare cut the ropes freeing Isaac he rushed past the dark figure that NateMare was. He walked past his father before stopping in his tracks he turned around and gulped, he hugged his father tightly and said. "I love you dad". "I love you to Isaac," he said. Isaac then went into the small room and tried to contact Jessie. "Jessie help, please help me if you're there help me please!" Isaac screamed.

   (Jessie's point of view)

Jessie and his family sat in the living room of their house, his dad was still pissed of about all the characters that Jessie had snapped into that caused Isaac to come out of the darkness, take his mother hostage, threaten his brother, kidnap his mother and shot Parker in the chest. "Jessie help" Isaac called out in the mirror just behind the family sitting on the couch. "Isaac what the fuck are you doing here," Jessie asked. "Well if it isn't the emo fuck who held a knife to my throat" Jeffery commented. "What the hell are you doing get the hell out of here" Jessie's dad shouted. "n-no please Jessie listen to me, please I need your help please" Isaac begged. "Just hear me out please I don't know what to do" he babbled. Jessie's mother broke all the loud voices. "Everyone stop let Isaac talk please, let him tell us what's going on," she said. "Ugh fine what the fuck have you got to say" Jessie said. "I don't what it is but these guys whoever they are they've got my dad hostage one of them said he's after somebody in your world," Issac said. "I don't know how they got to my world but they're going to kill my dad and I'm not talking about your dad from your world but my own dad" Issac cried. "Please you've got to snap into me get me out here so I can save my dad" he begged. "Fuck this shit I don't believe him," Jeffery said. "It's another one of his tricks" he added.  "No wait hold Isaac what did this guy look like?" Jessie asked. "I-I-he had dark makeup around his eyes with these blue tear streaks going down his face" Isaac babbled. Jessie looked at Jeffery. "I've never seen or heard of somebody like that before," he said. "Yeah exactly so if it means nothing to us then he's fucking lying to us just trying to get back into your life, which seems to be so much greater than his" Jeffery laughed. "No please I'm not lying I need your help please Jessie" Isaac begged again. Jessie thought for a minute but just before he could think of he should do he heard a loud noise coming from  Isaac's point of view. "Time's up Isaac," Anit said. "What there was no fucking time limit" Isaac shouted back. "JESSIE HELP ME SNAP INTO ME HELP ME HEEEEEEEEEEEELP" Isaac screamed. Jessie had a split second to decide what he should do in a heat of panic Jessie snapped his fingers in front of the mirror. Issac took Jessie's place in this world with him Isaac's world. Isaac breathed heavily as sweat dripped from his long black hair under his beanie. Jessie was then grabbed by Anti who laughed like a broken record player. "What the fuck let me go HEEEEELP AHHHHH" Jessie screamed as it soon faded away into complete silence. Isaac continued breathing heavily as Jessie's family were in complete shock. Jeffery looked at his father while he had his hand on the back of his head, he turned around trying to make sense of what just happened. Jessie's mother began to cry fearing that her son had been killed by whoever that laughing maniac was. Jeffery turned to Isaac who still was trying to catch his breath. "W-what w-was that?" he said. "That was Anti," Isaac said as he got to his feet and strained his beanie over his head. "Who the fuck is that," Jessie dad asked. "Wait I've heard of him isn't he from Jacksepticeye," Jeffery asked. "Who the fuck is that?" Issac asked. "Ah you probably don't know who he is your world," he said. "In this world, he's a famous Irish Youtuber and some Youtuber's fans have created kind of like a dark side of their favorite Youtuber's," Jeffery said. "But if that's the case how are they here and how are they real?" Isaac wondered. "I don't know but however they came to exist we need to find a way to beat them and save Jessie," Jeffery said as he helped Isaac to his feet. "Who was the one you talked about earlier" Jeffery asked again. "You mean the guy with the makeup," Isaac said. "Yeah him," Jeffery said. "He called himself NateMare and he's after somebody called NateWantsToBattle or some shit," Isaac said. "I've never heard of him but we need to do some research on this if we're going to save Jessie from NateMare" he said.                      

Isaac meets NateMare, Antisepticeye, and DarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now