Mick Catch Up

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How you meet:

It was late and you had just finished writing a thirty page paper on Hamlet for one of the online corsues you where taking at the local collage, Your brothers wanted you to at least have the option of getting out of this life if you wanted.

You yawn getting up and see Dean, Sam and Cas come in with a shorter man who had jet black hair and stubble peppering his jaw, his eyes where a brilliant shade of green and you where slightly taken aback.

"Y/n. This is-" Before Sam could finish his sentence before the man cuts in and holding out his hand.

"Mick Davies, pleasure to meet you" He says smiling widely at you.

"Y/n winchester" You smile shaking his hand, you two stood there for a few moments just looking at each other before dean snaps his fingers.

"Are you two done looking longingly into each others eyes, and Y/n you have an Essay to finish don't you" Dean huffs and you look over at him a little shocked.

"Yes, well I just finished that." you say and look at your annoying older brother.

"what was it about?" Mick suddenly asks

"Hamlet" you smile and for the rest of the night you two sit and discuss the play and other works by Shakespeare to both of your brothers disapproval.

Your song:

Should I stay or should I go by the clash. It was the song that came onto your iPod when you two had your first date.

Nicknames/Pet names:

His: Mickie because you think its cute and he does the Micky mouse voice really well.

Yours: Nerd because you know way to much about movies and plays, and Sweetheart.

Your first kiss:

Mick had invited you out to dinner, you both where having a nice time laughing and drinking wine. He was telling you a story from when he was younger and at school learning about monsters and how to hunt them, this particular story was about how he and a few of his buddies went out to the local pub and got drunk and had to try and sneak back into kendrick's.

You giggle and push a piece of hair behind your ear and rest your cheek against your hand watching him and listening to every word he said, you hadn't noticed he was leaning in too while he talked until your lips met his. It was a bit of a shock for both of you, but you pursued the kiss reaching up and placing a hand to his cheek. When you both pull away the smiles on your faces didn't go away for the next few hours.

Your name in his phone:

The One

His name in your phone:

Bright eyes

Where he likes to kiss you:

He likes to kiss your shoulder. He thinks that its sexy when he does it, these kisses mostly happen when you just got out of the shower and he comes up behind you kissing your shoulder and up your neck.

What you love about him:

How he lights up when ever he hears your brother talk about old hunts. You think its absolutely adorable when he leans in and hangs onto every word that they say. Its the cutest thing you've ever seen.

What he loves about you:

He loves to watch you stand up for yourself. He likes that you don't always need him to protect you even though he is always ready to step in and make sure you're safe. He finds it incredibly sexy when you talk back to Ketch when he's being an idiot.

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