what happens after 2 AM

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I try so hard to close my eyes
But the walls of the room keeps caving in
and my thoughts gets louder and louder
It eradicates all my dreams but one
One soaked in fear and love
one housed by your heart
You see the last time I kissed you
I tasted the truth behind your tongue
I could feel how it was quoted with fire
And it burnt down my uncertainties
So I'm going to tell you what happens after 2 AM
And how my mind keeps lingering around
Bouncing off these walls to hold on to something that reminds me of you.
So last night I grabbed on so tight to your cardigan
Till it emitted coconut scented smells of you.
I laid it down so I could inhale you,
just have a feel of how your beautiful soul exists under your cocoa butter skin.
I have feelings or emotions, whatever they call them these days, for you.
I have the blues for you
It burns just like wildfire and I can't control it
So after 2 AM I just give in to my thoughts and ride the wave till it leaves me at shore in the morning.

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