More Secrets

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Pablo gave everyone an extra break to regenerate for the next week because they now have to cram two songs and dance routines along with everyone's final if they haven't turned in already.

The minute Maxi steps out he finds a quite place to kind of break down. He wanted to smash something or punch himself if he could. Calling himself stupid and an idiot. People can kind of hear him from the hallway even though the door is closed. Gladly Nati is someone that was there to calm down the scene.

"Maxi! Maxi!" [Nati]

"What!?" [Maxi]

Seeing that it was Nati standing behind him yelling for his attention he went mute.

"What is with the commotion?" [Nati]

"You can hear me." [Maxi]

"Everyone heard you. Let's sit down and talk." [Nati]

Her gentle smile is what convinced him that sitting down and talking was not such a bad idea.

"How could I have made such a huge mistake? I never do something like this, I usually save everything on my hard drive and a flash drive, having backups for my backups." [Maxi]

"Not everyone is perfect. Just be glad that you made the mistake here in the studio and not in your professional career." [Nati]

"I'm not. This is for a concert in Antonio's memory and name. The studio is a project he poured his heart and soul into. I nearly ruined that." [Maxi]

All the stress and pressure is pounding on Maxi's shoulders and in his head. He removes his hat to scratch his head.

Seeing him in damsel and distressed like made Nati's heart ache for him. Deep down she knows he would never do something like this. That is why the first error is always not as bad as the third or fifth time.

Not knowing what could get him to feel better, maybe a few words of encouragement could help. After all Maxi is someone very influential in Nati's life, the least she can do now is return the favor.

"Maxi, I know you will rise above this. Sure right now you might feel guilty or feel like you have let us down, but you have friends that are here for you. Here to help you in whatever ways we can and to cheer you on." [Nati]

"Thanks, but the truth is I'm too embarrassed to face anyone right now." [Maxi]

"You're not that embarrassed to be talking to me right now." [Nati]

"You're different. When I'm around you.. I have a sense of comfort that comes natural." [Maxi]

Hearing those words give the similar feeling as if he'd said, "I love you." The butterflies inside of Nati are fluttering wildly making her do for what is about to happen next.

Maxi was looking at Nati and their eye contact is pretty intense. Right now he would give anything to kiss her in the moment. Feeling the way he does with everything swarming his head, right now may not be the best moment. That was until Nati leans in to give a kiss.

Pulling away both were surprised, Maxi stayed in shock while Nati found a way to run.

"Well, now you have something else to think about. I'm just going to go.." [Nati]

Out the door was Nati in two seconds. Eventually they know they must have a talk about their relationship, but in the moment it gave Maxi a second wind as fixing his first mistake.

On a separate path from Nati's walk of shame, Violetta's walk was rather intriguing. Needing time to think about Leon, the concert, her future, and a few other things. What became the interesting factor in her walk was the people she stumbles into. Nicolas and Alex.

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