11:( His Dark Heart)

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________________ day 6b ( His Dark Heart)

Bella's heart beat widly against her chest as she and Knight keep staring at each other , the room suddenly felt heated as Knight began taking gentle steps towards her, his eyes still looking so red like he was about to kill her, ok maybe he will kill her, she had crossed the limit, fear overwhelmed all her body as she stepped back with Every steps Knight took.

Her back finally hit the wall,oh there was no place to go anymore, her breathing became even when Knight was almost closed to her, she was shaking with fear of what he was going to do to her, her eyes were wide open with fear untill Knight was right Infront of her, bodies almost touching, she saw as Knight raised his hand up and fear grip her she tightly closed her eyes waiting for him to strike her , she deserve it after all , she waited for him to hit her but Instead she felt him stroking her hair gently.

Bella opened her eyes to look up at Knight and their eyes met, his eyes wasn't red anymore but sad, she looked confused, she thought he was going to hit her, Bella couldn't talk because Knight kept staring into her eyes and right there she knew he was in pain, she gently brought her hand up and touched his cheek.

" What happened to you ? She whispered, as tears wheeled down Knight's eyes, he kept staring at Bella , who was already in tears too, she doesn't know what his problem was yet but she couldn't help but cry too seeing Knight in tears for the very first time .

" I warned you not to come in here Bella , I thought you will just respect my privacy? Knight said softly looking into Bella's eyes, he was mad at her , but trying his best not to hit her .

" Am sorry ", Bella whispered " I just wanted to know why your so cold hearted, your not the man you are , tell me please Knight, what happened to you ? Bella asked praying in her heart that Knight open up to her .

Instead of answering her, he gently took Bella's hand and walked her closer to the painting on the wall, Bella looked at the painting and back at him, but his eyes was on the painting.

" What do you see in the eyes of this woman? Knight asked softly.

" Pain", Bella answered.

" Is there anything familiar about the little boy ? He asked and Bella looked at the painting of the boy and she gasped.

" He looks like you , the younger version of you ", she said .

" What do you see in his eyes ? He asked his eyes never looked from the paint .

" Pain , but why Knight, what happened? Bella asked .

Knight was quite for a while and faced Bella .
" Do you really want to know? He asked Bella Nodded .

"Yes....I want to know, you look broken , and I know this paintings means alot to you , please share it with me ", Bella said .

Knight moved closer to the painting of the woman and used his hand to trace the picture, he didn't want to discuss it, but somewhere in his heart he wants Bella to know about it .

" I was only 8 years old ", he started.

" When I lost my biological mother " he said and Bella gasped, she moved closer to Knight who continue talking but didn't look at her .

", I was sitted in the living room one day , when I over heard some shouting from up the stairs in my father's room " he said .


" I hate you Simon , you are nothing but a pig " Jane Knights mother yelled as she cried

Simon grabbed her by the hair.
" I will teach you a bitter lesson you slut " Simon shouted pulling her out of the room into the spare room , Knight saw what his father was doing and quickly ran to stop him .

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