When You Meet Him

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Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

N/n - Nick Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

S/c - Skin Color

F/c - Favourite Color

Y/d/n - Dad Name

Y/m/n - Mom Name

Sorry if any of the characters are OOC (out of character)

Harry Potter:

"Wow!" Your exclaimed as the beautiful Hogwarts Express caught your eye. 'It's so big!' you thought. Looking around you, you saw people and kids walking and running throughout the station. Others were hugging and saying 'goodbye' and 'I love you'.

You felt a hand on each of your shoulders and looked up to see both of your parents smiling down at you.

Your dad patted your head and lead your mother and you to the train(with you still pushing your cart). As you guys stopped at the train, your mother and father turned to you. With slight tears in her eyes, your mom said, "Wow, Y/d/n. Look at our baby girl. She's all grow up now. I love you, Y/n." You hugged your mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I love you too, Mom."

You turned to your dad, "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Y/n. Be a good girl and don't forget to send us some letters. Take good care of Opal for us ok?" Dad said as he gestured to the owl in her cage on the cart.

"I will. I love you guys. I send you guys a letter soon. Bye!" You said as you boarded the train.

'This train is-' Your thoughts were cut off as you bumped into someone and fell on the floor. "Oh! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I go-" You said as you looked up. Looking into your eyes was a pair of (the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen) green eyes.

"Its alright, I wasn't looking either." The boy said as he held extended his hand out to you. You shyly took his hand.

"Sorry to bump into you like that. My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n." You smiled.

"Y/n..that's a beautiful name. I'm Harry Potter." He said.

"Oh my goodness! It's so nice to meet Harry Potter. I'm so sorry that I'm did recognize you sooner." You blushed.

"Oh. It's perfectly fine. It's nice to not have a stranger look at you and shout, 'Oh my god! It's Harry Potter!'" Harry chuckled.

You nodded, "So..um..you have the um..scar?"

Nodding, Harry lifted up the hair covering his forehead to reveal the lighting bolt scar. "Wow." You said as you took a step forward to get a closer look at it. Smiling, you said, "Well, it was very nice to meet you, Harry."

"Same to you, Y/n. I hope to see you in class. Bye!" Harry said as he waved and walked away. "Bye Harry!" You called out to him.

'Wow. I just met Harry Potter! OMG!' You thought as you entered a compartment. Seated on one of the benches was a girl with brown hair and slightly bushy eyebrows. "Hi. Is it alright if I sit here?" You ask as the girl turns to face you.

"Yes. I'm Hermione Granger. This is going to be my first year at Hogwarts. How about you?" The girl said as she stands up to shake your hand. You shake her hand. "Hi, Hermione. I'm Y/n L/n. I'm a first year as well. Maybe we'll see each other in class." You say as you sit down opposite of her. Hermione nodded, picked up a book, and started reading.

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