Post #19

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Liked by Imzachherron, livyyedwrds and 403 846 other people Seaveydaniel I swear I'm not always cringey with her she just made a really good joke

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Liked by Imzachherron, livyyedwrds and 403 846 other people
Seaveydaniel I swear I'm not always cringey with her she just made a really good joke

Livyyedwrds don't even try my jokes are as bad as the smell of your feet😉😂💛💛
Imzachherron I agree she's the worst at making jokes you're just really cringey
Wdwgal you just got dissed dany
Seaveymydaniel you guys are cute together
Lauralav you're the good kind of cringey so it's okay
Livismybae liv has all the best qualities but humour isn't one of them sorry bae
Madisonbeer is that even possible? 😂 @lauralav
Lauralav well in my mind yes😂
Livyyedwrds dude you think that unicorns are held captive by the government so everything is possible in your mind
Lauralav how else could someone have thought about them if they never existed I mean it's not logical
Itskatyforman awn it's so cheesy and adorable
Meggym you two are literally couple goals I love you guys
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