Post # 26

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Liked by livismybae, madisonbeer and 737 951 others Whydontwemusic he did it! Congrats Jack!Class of 2017#highschoolgraduation

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Liked by livismybae, madisonbeer and 737 951 others
Whydontwemusic he did it! Congrats Jack!
Class of 2017

Livyyedwrds yass thasss muh boiiiii you did it noodle head I'm so proud of youuuu and love you lots
Jacknoodlesavery liv is me right now 😂
Livismybae congrats jack💞
Jackaverymusic thanks barbie love you lots too
Jackaverymusic thank you beaut @livismybae
Livyyedwrds noodles you know mila??? Camila you got some explaining to do🙄
Livismybae yes mom sorry mom 😐

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