Black and White

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I was walking home from work one day, the trees were bright green, the flowers almost shining with their vibrant colours, and when I looked up I saw the vivid blue expanse of sky above me.

But when I turned the corner everything went dark. The trees weren't green, the flowers weren't vibrant and colourful, the sky was no longer blue. Everything had turned black and white. Not a single colour in sight.

I collapsed to the floor.

I knew what it meant.

He was dead.

My love. My soulmate. The only person on the earth who understood every corner of my messed up soul. Was dead. And now my life was black and white for all eternity.

My mind went back to before. Before I met him, when my world was first black and white.

Because that's what happens. Your world starts off black and white, but once you meet your soulmate your world gets it's colour, until the day they die.

It doesn't phase you when you are young because you have never seen a colour in your entire life, you've never known love and you've never known anything but black and white.

But now I had experienced it, both the love and the colour, it affected me more than I could ever imagine...


I started off my first day at Blackthorne University, I was 18 and scared out of my tiny little mind, but I was also excited, excited to be free from my family, to meet new people and learn new things.

Everywhere I looked I saw people I didn't know, I had no idea where I was going, it was like a maze of buildings surrounding me. I eventually found where I needed to go. I carried all of my boxes up the stairs, opened the door to the floor that would become my new home and was greeted by the people who would become my new family.

I was the last person on the floor to arrive so they all showed me to my bedroom. I put all my boxes down on the floor and walked back to the common room, I could unpack them later. I sat down on the sofa and waited for someone to start talking. Eventually, after what seemed like forever one of the girls spoke up.

"Hey guys, I'm Emily, I'm studying Maths and I'm still a colourless" She stated, shyly looking round the room.

That's what they're called, the colourless, the people who haven't found their soulmate and haven't experienced colour.

Then the boy next to her stood up. "Hi, my name's Robert, I'm studying Law and I found my soulcolours last year" He announced proudly looking down at the girl sitting next to him, their eyes met and they smiled at each other.

He sat back down slowly and his girlfriend stood up. "Hey, I'm Tris. I 'm studying the Sciences of our Soulcolors and as you can probably tell" she smiled at Robert again. "I found my soulcolours."

Once she sat down a few seconds passed before the boy next to her looked up and realised it was his turn. He stood up nervously, He was gorgeous, he had messy hair and a scattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose. "Hey, I'm Jon, I'm studying Psychology and I'm still colourless." He sat down quickly and sighed as if he was happy that it was over.

The boy next to him stood up straight away, full of confidence, too much confidence. "Hey y'all, I'm Jacob. I'm studying Sports and I found my colours but she doesn't go to this Uni." His strong South American accent pierced the air like an arrow, an arrow that didn't belong.

I decided I didn't like him from the moment he stood up, you can never trust anyone with that much confidence.

Then it was my turn. I stood up and looked around the room, everyone stared back at me, I pushed my fringe off my eyes nervously and started. "Hi, I'm Jess, I'm studying Psychology and I'm still a colourless." I looked around again before sitting back down.

The girl next to me, the last one to be introduced, stood up. "Hi I'm Scarlett. I'm studying Music and I am a colourless."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Emily stood up again, "Well now we all know each other, I think it would be a good chance to go and unpack your things before Freshers starts at 3."

We all stood up and walked to our dorms, I walked in through my door and sat on my bed, I had a desk, a wardrobe, a bookcase, a bed, some shelves and an ensuite bathroom. I looked at all my boxes in despair, this is going to take forever. I opened the first one and looked insde, books, lots of books. I took them out and placed the on my bookshelf, starting from the top and working my way down. Eventually I had emptied the box. I threw it to one side and was about to open the next box when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and walked over to it, opening the door cautiously.

It was him. Jon. He looked into my eyes and I looked back into his.

"Hey" He greeted after what seemed like eternity.

"Hey" I replied.

"I was wondering if you wanted some help. I've finished unpacking."

"Yeah sure, thanks, come in."

He walked in through the door and sat down warily on my bed. I sat next to him and suddenly felt really dizzy. My eyes were forced closed and I couldn't open them. I put my head in my hands and waited for the dizziness to subside all the while I noticed that the darkness behind my eyelids looked remarkably less black than normal...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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