Prologue: The world of Rune

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Oh Hi there!

Did you read the first chapter? How was it? I feel like a bit of the story needs to be explained.
Below I will be laying out some of the minor details of the world i'm creating here. Things like characters, the different regions and the world as a whole, time period and more.

So without further ado, let's begin:

The World

Firstly,the world In Rune is not Earth. In fact, it's something completely unique. It does, however, share similarities with our own pretty blue ball. Such as: Samurai, Ninja and the occasional Racial slur(Yes, even in another plane of existence there is racism). I won't go into detail explaining every little nuance, that you can experience yourself. For now though, let me just explain my current picture of the various regions of the world of Belladonia 
>Kasai Region

The Kasai region is where the story begins. The mountainous region of Belledonia, littered with trees and wildlife. Here, we are introduced to Setsuna Village, Kuro's Home. Here, as early as the age of 10, boys and girls train in various areas of expertise, to become what they ultimately decide they want to be. In Kuro's case, He wants to be a samurai and protect the people of his village, just like his father once did eons ago. The rest of the regions have not been explored yet, but for now, I can tell you their names - at least, some of them ;)

>Kushida Region
>Sabaku Region 
>Talion Region
>Elouq Region
>Purentile Region 

And that's all you get for now :/ Sorry

The Character's

Kuro Sasaki:
The main character; 16 years old, he is strong-willed and brave. Kuro wants nothing more than to protect the People of Setsuna Village by becoming a Samurai. "Samurai are the best of the best when it comes to fighting and tactics" Said Kuro's father, who was once a samurai himself in the great war.

Yari Megame: Kuro's long-time best friend. Yari follows Kuro everywhere and desires to be just like him. Yari is 3 years younger than Kuro, making him 13 years old. He was bullied a lot when he was younger, until one day Kuro stood up for him and beat all the bullies in one fell swoop. Yari learns sword techniques from Kuro, because he is not permitted to enter the academy by his parents, Who want him to become a Historian like they are.

Kaiba Sasaki: Kuro's father, Not much is known about him yet, further details will follow when necessary. A simple farmer/fisherman. Rumour has it though, he once served as the leader of an elite team of Samurai designed to infiltrate and destroy the enemy from the shadows...

Rin Sasaki: Kuro's mother. All We know of her so far is that she was a stay-at-home-mom. Like most of the mother's in the village, they didn't need to work, as their husbands would provide.

Captain Majin: The leader of the Oni that attacked Setsuna Village. Ruthless and cunning, this former samurai has an unusual urge to see Kuro captured. The reason is still unclear...


>Samurai: The Samurai are calm and precise, able to strike anything they choose with a swift slice of their sword. The protectors of the realm, they are sworn to uphold the peace and have fought many wars. Kuro aspires to be one of them someday.

>Oni: The Oni are an evil organisation dead-set on capturing and utilizing Runes. They will stop at nothing to acquire the power they hold.

What are Runes?

Runes are marks branded on individuals. It gives them power, more than can be trained to achieve. The runes create a world of opportunity when used correctly, they can be used to drive back the forces of evil. But, if used by the wrong hands, they can be deadly for the world...Rune users are powerful beings that have much more power than regular people, even some samurai have a Rune etched into their skin. It's not a choice of who is a rune user, they are either born with it or not. The Oni are capturing rune user's and extracting their energy for their own gain, most of the victims die in the process. It's currently unclear the true purpose they have, only time will tell.

And that's it! Thanks for taking an interest in Rune I hope to see this story continue and thrive :)
Leave any comments you may have on the discussion's page.

This week's chapter will release on Sunday, see you there!

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