Expressway To Your Heart

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"Can I drive?" Charley askedGlenn.

"Are you ok to drive?" Glenninquired.



Glenn tossed Charley the keys.The lookon Elwood's face was glowing as he heard the sound of the keys flyingthrough the air as they landed in his nephews hand.

"Shotgun!" ElwoodProclaimed.

The motors started and the vehiclespeeled out of the parking lot in a fevered state. One thing theywerent aware of is that there was a limo lurking in the shadowswaiting to strike. It pulled out slowly in order to follow the bluesconvoy without attracting any attention. Perhaps not so shockingly ,there were also a few other automobiles as well. These belonged toour least favorite douche bro's other douche bros from a few nightsprior. They were driving some cars that seemed pulled right out ofany of a number of current Hit movies were they may or may not drivefast and/or furiously. IT appeared as though The blues might bethwarted by another less desirable soundtrack, which was made evidentby the different songs that played as each opposing car pulled out ofits hiding spots.

Meanwhile, A plane was just landing inthe city. It had already experienced one delay as there was a issuewith the size of a bag that couldnt fit in the overhead compartment.No, it wasnt Bruno's bag, but he was clearly annoyed by any delaysthat were happening and they seemed to be happening in spades duringthis mission of his. When he did get into the city and made his wayto the car rental service area, He was annoyed that the car herequested was not presently available. SO instead of real machinewith a nice dose of attitude, he was left with a reasonably compactcar that had good gas mileage. He always tried to keep calm, but itappeared as though he was just on the verge of being about to burstat the seams. And that's not to forget about the traffic that he wasencountering. Not that he was aware of any car chases about to happenin a another part of the city that involved his blues based nemesis'. To add insult to injury, there was also an foul odor that was partof the car as well. All The windows needed to be opened at all times.

But more on him later.

The blues convoy was making its way tothe gig when the opposition made their presence known to our heros.With a slight tap to the rear of the Van. Once the blues crewrealized who was behind them, they knew they had to step it up anotch to try and evade these villains. Charley started to reallydrive like he always wished he could, something he mostly did playingvideo games. He wasnt really aware he could drive this well undersuch conditions. Elwood seemed to be beaming at this moment, onlywishing he himself was doing the driving. And for a brief momentinside of Elwood's mind, we were able to see how glorious this wouldlook like to his imagination. A total shmorgasbord or non lethalvehicular mayhem. As it turned out, Charley was just driving fasttrying to avoid any obstacles as they appeared in front of him. Thefront car wasnt ware of this attack until randy got a call from thevan saying what the situation was. They offered to help, but weretold to take the next street to get away and that they would see eachother at the gig in no time. They complied and went in anotherdirection. None of the douche mobiles followed that car, since theywere explicitly told to take out the van. It was their only priority.

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