Part 1

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I thought I was in love. I was so
excited for our life together. Then when I saw her with her hands all over that guard, and I felt the jealousy stab me in the chest. I couldn't believe it. How could I have been so stupid?

I looked down at the paper I
had intended on practicing all morning. I cursed myself for ever believing it was possible. I told myself I was crazy to believe someone so amazing loved me back. I guess she wasn't so amazing after all. I felt my eyes get wet, but I choked back my tears. "No," I whispered to myself. "You will not cry. You are the Prince of Illèa, this girl is nothing but your subject." But you love her. I hated those words. I crumpled up my proposal to America and threw it away.

My mom walked in my room,
smiling at me. "Honey you look so handsome," she said. I forced a smile. "Are you about ready?" she asked. I nodded, afraid to speak. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," I lied. "Just a little overwhelmed." She grinned. "Don't worry, your father and I will support whatever decision you make," she replied. "And besides, I'm sure the girls are more stressed than you." I doubted that. "See you in a bit," she said, kissing me on the cheek.

I knew mom was trying to be
comforting, but I was heart broken. I could feel the pain in my chest. I just couldn't believe America had been lying to me the whole time.

At least I still have Kriss, I
thought to myself, pacing around my room. Though I couldn't remember what I ever liked about her anyway. I got rid of any remaining feelings I had for her last night when America told me she loved me. Kriss was nice, and pretty I suppose. But lots of girls were nice and pretty. She had no edge. I sighed, knowing what I liked about America. She wasn't
just pretty, she was stunning. She had a great personality, and she wasn't afraid of what other people thought. At all. I chuckled, remembering everything she'd done. I had the sudden urge to go talk to her. Maybe if I gave her a chance to explain herself then-

there was a knock at the door. "Yes?" I asked as a maid popped her head in the room. "Fifteen minutes Your Highness," she said. I nodded, and she left. America's had enough chances, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath, and smiled. I needed to look happy for my fathers benefit. I made my way down the hallway.

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