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Neiner and Renault narrowly escaped certain decay and they owe it all to these odd creatures.

They awoke on a rudimentary bed made of leaves and sheep skin. One of these Gremlins came up to the two sad veggies and gurgled something. They knew not what it meant and they also couldn't reply - for they are Gourds. This witch doctor seeming gremlin held Neiner Levan down and a nurse held a stick above Neiner's head. "What kind of magic shite are they going to do" Neiner though, whilst getting the shit kicked out of her with this stick. Eventually, her voluptuous figure began to shake and shiver with powerful exuberance. The same happened to Renault. Now both of the Gourds were violently convulsing in the air. Whilst painful stalks sprouted out of them - 4 to be exact - two at the bottom and two near the top. The two near the top sprung several smaller sprouts.


The two Gourds landed with a thud on the leaf beds. Their minds overwhelmed with new sensations, words tingled through their organic brains and filtered out into the world through small green holes.

"Wheremst are we Renault?" - Neiner questioned her friend but hasn't realised that these creatures seemed to understand.
"Dublin" - said the Witch Doctor, "Dublin Guinness ginger people and gold, Emerald Isle. CORK"
"What?" - said Renault
"Dublin and also Eire" - The Witch Doctor replied, with a little bit of frustration in his tone
"Look, Hun, we don't speak whatever thot language this is please just show us a map" - Neiner, rather grumpily, exclaimed. The nurse turned around and held her ginger fur covered arm up to her chin and began to stroke at her beard. "Map, map, map, map, map", she repeated quietly to herself, she began searching the cupboards in the beige room they were in. There was no lighting except for the sun through the window just above the two Gourds' adjacent bed. The nurse procured a scrappy piece of card, no bigger than a Gourd of equal size.

The nurse, quite androgynous in look, handed the map to Neiner and Renault. As they gazed upon the dust encrusted chart - they noticed that they seemed to be on a small island in the Pacific. Named. It was a crudely drawn map - the only distinguishing details informing the Gourds of their location was the inaccurate outline of New Zealand in the fair south west of the map. The scale was clearly fairly small. This small scaled map shows the extent of these... beings' world. Upon further inspection - they noticed that the settlement they currently resided in was named "Dublin". They looked to the nurse and doctor and repeated this back to them. They nodded in agreement.

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