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Corbyn's pov ..

" yes we are the friend " I said crossing my arms

" who are you" Daniel asked

" I'm sorry where are my manners , I'm Grayson Dolan ..." he says holding out his hand

" Dolan ..." we all said

He put a confused face on , Jamie looks at him

" I forgot to tell you that Ethan exposed me .. and the guys hate him " Jamie says

" Ethan ... exposed you how ?" Grayson says

" he recorded me and him having sex ... then sent the whole school the video " she says looking down.

" I'm gonna kill him " he says

" we already tried ... she won't let us " Jonah says

" oh " he says

" guys can we get back to what we're doing ... with out you guys " Jamie says pushing us out the park

We all groaned and walked to our car

We got into the car and drove to the house

We got there and waited for cassy , angel and max to come over so we can go out to eat

They finally came and we grabbed the keys and walked back to the car

We got to the restaurant, we sat down and started chatting until the waitress came by

Someone caught my eye , I looked at the person again

JAMIE ! , wow she is hanging with the dude to much

She looks so pretty in the outfit she is wearing

The waitress came by with a smile on her phone

" what can I get y'all " she says kindly

" I will have the pasta with a root beer please " I said putting down the menu

She writes it down , I looked back over at Jamie giggling with that Grayson kid

I looked over at Jonah and he was looking at them too

His face just dropped , I called his name

He looks over at me and just nods his head

" you okay dude ? " I asked

" yea ... " he says

The lady comes by again with out food , Jonah grabbed his spas and started sipping on it

I looked over at max laughing with angel , I ship them so bad

" hey you guys should date " I laughed

They both looked at me , " WE ARE ...." they blurred out

I didn't know shit .... damn where have a been ?

" fuck your chicken strips " that's all that came out my mouth

Jack started laughing " shut up idiot "

" no shut up ramen noodles looking ass " I said rolling my eyes

" okay Corbitch " he says

We laughed

Max's pov

We ate our delicious food and decided to go to the carnival

... I've been very sad lately ... Jamie was been ditching us for that Grayson dude

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