Who ever said love is fun... never had boys you didn't like chase after you...

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Aurelie stared disgusted at the set of girls around her gossiping and talking loudly before putting her hands over her ears trying to block them out. She had no idea why she decided to choose dance as her after-school activity especially when she didn't have a flexible bone in her body or any talent to go along with that either. She should've gone with modelling for the fashion club or the art club. At least she had the body, looks or the talent for them. She looked around expecting to see her bubbly Asian friend hopping through the doors to the dance class but she didn't because Rose had debate club this evening and Aurelie was all alone for the next two hours.

"Maybe if you weren't so horrible to her she would've came with you." Aurelie looked up from her place on the floor before raising a dark eyebrow seeing Lucy Anderson standing above her. Aurelie rolled her dark blue eyes before looking away from Lucy's too pale complexion and too dark green eyes and too ugly everything to the door. She couldn't believe that she had saved her from Gabriel Valentina two nights ago at his party and she had the audacity to treat Aurelie like... well like how people treated her. Aurelie didn't have to save her from the evil clutches of Gabriel and his friend but she did and now Lucy wanted to insult her? Well, that was stupid.

"Why are you even here anyways? Didn't you realize that you need talent to dance?" Oh hell no. Aurelie turned around and glared at her before standing up slowly and smirking seeing Lucy backing away. Just because Aurelie didn't have any talent didn't mean that she was going to let someone on the bottom of the social food chain insult her and all because Gabriel flirted with her and tried to get rid of Lucy. Lucy backed up into a group of most talented dancers and they shoved her away before staring at her on the floor. The noise in the room stopped before everyone looked at Lucy and Aurelie in the middle of the floor. Lucy looked up at Aurelie's face before chuckling and standing up. "I mean, really, if I had your face I'd be angry with everyone too." Lucy replied and Aurelie blinked surprised. She thought that Lucy was going to back down but it looks like she had to teach her a lesson.

"Oh please. If you had her face, you'd probably have friends." A blonde girl muttered pushing her hair behind her ear and Lucy looked up at her appalled. She was hoping that at least there was someone on her side seeing as how Aurelie was so mean to everyone that she'd have someone to help her get away from her. Aurelie smirked before folding her arms and Lucy got up from the floor before dusting her self off.

"Of course I'd have friends. Friends that pity me." Lucy replied and the auditorium went silent before the girls around her stepped back and Lucy looked around before seeing Aurelie standing in front of her, her face turning red with anger. Maybe she went too far and maybe she should've quit while she was ahead but honestly, everyone knew that she had a crush on Gabriel and for her to just come and take him from her... Lucy's thoughts were cut off as she felt a sharp pain on her cheek and she looked up to Aurelie's face seeing her hand extended. She punched her in her stomach before pushing her to the ground and Lucy coughed feeling short of breath. Of course she pushed too far and now she was going to pay for it.

Aurelie clenched her fists tightly before following her coach out of the gym. Her coach refused to look at her and Aurelie continued to glare at the ground, angry at herself for losing control like that, angry at her coach for not listening to her side of the story and most of all, angry at Lucy for starting it. It was all her fault anyways and Aurelie just wanted her to shut up.

"Go inside." She hissed and Aurelie rolled her dark blue eyes before pushing past her and going inside the office. She had seen the inside of this office many times before to know that it was the Guidance Counsellor's office and that she was going to get another lecture for causing serious body harm to another student. Aurelie sighed and she looked around the room, not really interested in the diplomas on the wall or the trophies in the cases and just sat in the seat farthest away from the door but not really close to the mahogany desk that the Counsellor would be sitting in a few minutes from now; going on and on about how disappointed she was in her.

"Oh hello, I'm sorry. I didn't know someone was -" Aurelie sighed before putting her hair up in a high ponytail and the door shut quietly before the sound of heels walking across the tile floor reached her ears. "Why are you here?" Aurelie looked up at the pale woman in front of her before sighing not wanting to go through this same conversation all over again. The Counsellor sighed before fixing the papers on her desk and stared at Aurelie's upset expression. It was a face that she had seen many times before and it was a face that seemed to be the only face that Aurelie ever used and Mrs. Armstrong sighed again before picking up the flyer on the corner of her table.

"Here you are." "I don't want another flyer." Aurelie snapped before staring at her knuckles and Mrs. Armstrong winced seeing the torn skin and the blood on her hands. Whoever she had hit had really pissed her off this time because Aurelie never hit someone hard enough that she also hurt herself in the process...well until now.

"I think you'll like this one." Aurelie sighed frustrated before taking the pink paper from her hands. She had no intention of reading it and she knew that Mrs. Armstrong knew that but she still gave her endless amounts of flyers that in the end would do no good and to prove her point, she took the paper in her hand and crumpled it up before throwing across the room, knocking down the cup of coffee that Mrs. Armstrong had at the corner of her table. Aurelie stared at it before looking away and Mrs. Armstrong sighed before giving two more.

"It's for your own good." Aurelie rolled her eyes before standing up and walking out of the room, not surprised not seeing her coach outside. Of course, she would leave her. She just injured one of her star members and there was no way that she was going to stay with a mistake like Aurelie.

"Hey gorgeous!" Aurelie turned around before seeing Gabriel Valentina walking in her direction. What the- "Don't you have a life?" She yelled back and Gabriel chuckled before walking up to her with his always obnoxious expression and she rolled her eyes before clenching her fists again, feeling the open skin on her knuckles opening more. She growled like a mother bear protecting her cubs when she felt an arm over her shoulder before she glared up at the culprit.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel shrugged before smirking down at her and continuing to walk down the hall with her. He was determined to win this bet and there's no way that a screw-up like Adam was going to get her before Gabriel freaking Valentina because of that reason. He was the best thing ever created and if it wasn't for him, Adam wouldn't even be known today. "Ow! Son of a -" Gabriel yelled before looking at his hand seeing teeth marks. He smirked before looking at Aurelie who glared back at him hatefully. If only looks could kill...

"You know you should really save that for the bedroom," He whispered seductively and Aurelie glared before swinging at his face. Gabriel chuckled before grabbing her hand and pushing her against the wall, leaning forward to her face. "Because you know that once you start, you'll never stop." He finished and Aurelie's eyes got big before she snorted and pushed him away from her, disgusted. How dare he?! Just because he was good looking didn't mean that she was going to be the next girl who bows down at his feet. Gabriel chuckled before holding her right cheek and kissing the left before walking away smirking. No matter what she said, he was going to win the bet.

Adam scoffed loudly before turning seeing Gabriel walk away. He couldn't believe that Gabriel would stoop that low just to get a girl. He had tons of girls who bowed down at his feet, more people who worshipped him and still all the money he could ever want and still, he wanted the one thing that Adam could ever have. Damn that bastard Valentina; even if he gave him a place to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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